User Account added, but not available?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Timu CHEN
  • Start date Start date


I believe someone posted a similar problem here before, but the article
cannot be found here.

I added "User Account" component into my XPE SP2 configuration. Build was
ok, and FBA ran through.

At run-time, I have "legacy login menu" (Windows-2000 like) there, not
"welcome login" (Windows-XP).

When I opened up my control panel, User Account was not there.

When I tried to reboot or shutdown the system by "start / shutdown", the
legacy menu popped up, not the 3 Windows-XP buttons there.

Usually, we get to switch this at User Account. But now User Account is

Do I need to do anything more in my configuration?

Thanks in advance.


Add "Users Control Panel" component and resolves its dependencies.

Check/set options on the "Windows Logon (Standard)" component's Settings page (e.g., "Show Friendly Winlogon").
Dear KM,

Yes, I noticed this component already.

I am re-building my configuration again.

Thanks for that tip.

Dear KM,

Sorry, another few questions....

(1) The User Account control panel is back after I added that component.
But, when I click into it, the picture of each account was missing. I try to
add one of my own pictures. When I click on "change picture" icon, a
"Automation Server can't create object" message popped up, and did not allow
me to add any picture.

(2) When I try to change the way users logon or off, a "Client Services for
Netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. To restore
these features, you must uninstall Client Services for Netware" message
poppoed up and did not allow me to proceed. I tried to stop the service and
tried again with no luck. So, I need to remvoe "Client Services for Netware"
component? How can I do this at run-time?

(3) There is a "My User" in User Account Control Panel. Does this account
come with "User Account" component? What will happen if I remove this

(4) Also, at almost the end of my FBA, there is always a message like
"RemoveNetworkSettings Failed" popped up. I click on "ok", and FBA continued
to finish up. Boot up to run-time is ok, too. What is this message meaning?

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

(1) The User Account control panel is back after I added that component.
But, when I click into it, the picture of each account was missing. I try to
add one of my own pictures. When I click on "change picture" icon, a
"Automation Server can't create object" message popped up, and did not allow
me to add any picture.

Known issue. Please add "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer" component.
(2) When I try to change the way users logon or off, a "Client Services for
Netware has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching. To restore
these features, you must uninstall Client Services for Netware" message
poppoed up and did not allow me to proceed. I tried to stop the service and
tried again with no luck. So, I need to remvoe "Client Services for Netware"
component? How can I do this at run-time?

Yes. You would better off removing the CS for Netware component. This is known that the component will switch the logon to Standard
You can disable the service at run time and then reboot.
(3) There is a "My User" in User Account Control Panel. Does this account
come with "User Account" component? What will happen if I remove this

"User Account" component you added yoursefl, didn't you? You probably haven't touched the component settings and it set the default
user name - MyUser. You may want to change that in your TD Configuration if you wish.
If you remove the user account, it won't be there in your runtime :-) It shouldn't hurt when removing a user account (not
(4) Also, at almost the end of my FBA, there is always a message like
"RemoveNetworkSettings Failed" popped up. I click on "ok", and FBA continued
to finish up. Boot up to run-time is ok, too. What is this message meaning?

What your FBALog.txt says?
Also, do you have System Cloning Tool component included in your image?

Dear KM,

I tried to removed CS for netware component.
However, this component will be re-added back by other components below.

"Help and Support Services"
"Supplement Help Files"
"Terminal Services Remote Assistance Component"
"Remote Assistance Automation Framework"
"System Restore User Interface"

I do not know others. But if I do not have "System Restore User Interface",
I cannot enable/disable system restore.

Is that right?

That means if I would like to keep system restore user interface, I need to
stay with standard logon type.

However, this does not happen in standard Windows-XP Pro SP2?

Am I saying something incorrect?

Dear KM,

For "RemoveNetworkSettings Failed" message, my FBAlog.txt does not say
anything wrong.

And I have System Cloning Tool component in my config.


You would probably want to turn off the Auto-Resolve option in TD and just not include the CS for Netware component (you will get an
error during Dependency Check regarding the component but that should be ok).
