Don’t be embarrassed, TWC didn’t have a clue (What’s Vista?), My Vista MVP
Mother in Law has no clue. I am waiting to have a "Vista approved"
Modem/Router delivered. I have a feeling I will turn him away. Even my
Degreed Computer Science Brother has no answer. Think I will just make a
couple of batch files to run instead of having to type the whole ECN
enable/disable thing. I Love Vista. I'm not giving up. A quote from an ars
technica article:
By default, the Receive Window Auto-Tuning feature in Windows Vista
uses a Window Scaling factor of 8 for non-HTTP connections. This issue does
not occur when you try to make an HTTP connection.
(I guess this means that downloading over FTP is a lot faster than
downloading over HTTP with Vista.) Still no mention of NNTP but I think it
could be included.