Alberto Ast
I posted this question earlier but it does not show up so I will post it
again. Hope now it does shows up.
I need to assign two cells value to a label in a userform but would like to
display each cell value in a different row.
Me.Label5 = range("A1").value & range ("B1").value
If I jsut do above it will display
ECR12345 where ECR is value on Cell A1 and 12345 value on cell B1
I need to display as follows
I do not want to assign a cell value to a diferent label because some time a
cell value will be quite long so it might take more than a row.
ECR description will
be the length of the
Where "ECR description will be the length of the value" is A1
and 12345 is B1
So I need an enter character so it will go over next line before it shows B1.
Can it be done?
again. Hope now it does shows up.
I need to assign two cells value to a label in a userform but would like to
display each cell value in a different row.
Me.Label5 = range("A1").value & range ("B1").value
If I jsut do above it will display
ECR12345 where ECR is value on Cell A1 and 12345 value on cell B1
I need to display as follows
I do not want to assign a cell value to a diferent label because some time a
cell value will be quite long so it might take more than a row.
ECR description will
be the length of the
Where "ECR description will be the length of the value" is A1
and 12345 is B1
So I need an enter character so it will go over next line before it shows B1.
Can it be done?