used to work, preview of imported clibs without image

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what happened to my pc if mpg2-clips i used to import, preview, cut and store
now do not have any image at all? audio and filesize are still ok. sometimes
the image comes up in a new window but in the timeline (storyboard) i only
see the audiotrack? how to fix?
I am more curious as to how you could have possibly gotten MPeg 2 clips to
work before since they don't work in WMM.
How to fix? Convert them to .AVI
I connect my sony dcr-dvd201e ti USB, start Pixela an import the filmfiles to
pc. in the pixela album i rightklick them and choose "convert to mpg2". once
done i went to wmm and import theese files. cut, titles, what ever... no
problem. but now wmm does not read them anymore. if i convert them to avi the
quality is ways worst than what i used to have before... thats it
To tell the truth I personally can't advise you on a course of action except
to say you somehow got lucky in importing them to begin with if they really
were MPEG2 files.
The recommended course of action would be to connect your camera via
firewire and capture to DV-AVI to begin with in doing so preserving the high
quality video you desire.
In this area I am not an expert, my knowledge rests more in DVD creation,
but I believe DV-AVI will give you higher quality than MPEG2 to begin with.