used hard disk space problem

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I have partitioned a 300gb HDD so that C has 240GB and D has the remainder.
C is reporting that I have used 200GB but this cannot be so as I only have
operating system and a few progs and pics plus about 16gb music so where has
all the used space come from?

I probably have only used about 50gb max. I cannot find any file/folder that
has excessive amounts of data. How do I rectify this?
My guess would be a full recycle bin. Maybe some %TEMP% files, the Virtual
Memory, and file corruption is always a possibility.

Rightclick the recycle bin to empty it. Click the Start Orb, and type:
CLEANMGR to get rid of %TEMP% and other files. Rightclick the drive icon in
Explorer, and Properties, the Tools tab to do Error Checking.

Try the Defragmentation utility.

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Mark L. Ferguson

Doing defragmentaion will help as suggested by the other answerer. There
is also one quick and lazy way ;
1. go to Start menu , click Computer
2. left click on C: drive, then right click
3. choose Properties
4. you'll see a " pie " chart showing how much space are used and how much
left available. Look further down for Decompress. Check that box and you
can see the difference on the pie chart. Now you have more room to play
P.S. I have heard of a similiar situation, and the guy found HIDDEN files
and folders using up those unaccounted spaces. I don't know how to find
them. If nad when I do, I'll let you know. Hope this has helped.