W98SE included Paint (PBRUSH.EXE, 20 KB, 5/11/98), which supported writing
image files in the .gif and .jpg formats, which I frequently use. W2K
includes Paint (MSPAINT.EXE, 313 KB, 6/19/03), which doesn't support writing
image files in either of those formats. Copying over W98SE Paint to W2K and
opening it invokes W2K Paint (suspect WFP is getting in the way -- both files
probably have the same digital signature). How can I use the W98SE version
of Paint under W2K? My configuration is W2K Pro SP4, Rollup1. Thank you.
image files in the .gif and .jpg formats, which I frequently use. W2K
includes Paint (MSPAINT.EXE, 313 KB, 6/19/03), which doesn't support writing
image files in either of those formats. Copying over W98SE Paint to W2K and
opening it invokes W2K Paint (suspect WFP is getting in the way -- both files
probably have the same digital signature). How can I use the W98SE version
of Paint under W2K? My configuration is W2K Pro SP4, Rollup1. Thank you.