I have been looking through all treads but have not found one that could help
me. If i missed the tread sry for this post..
I have a form that would ask a user to enter an id numer. The i want the
field to run a query to see if it that number is already in the table.... if
it is in the table i want it to increment the last number by one.
ID: BMO-151-TD05-1
if match
ID: BMO-151-TD05-2 *this number can't be in the system either*
Set recSet = New ADODB.Recordset
recSet.CursorLocation = adUseClient
recSet.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
recSet.LockType = adLockOptimistic
recSet.ActiveConnection = Application.CurrentProject.Connection
While Not NoRecordFlag and Increment < 99
recSet.Open "select * from MyTable WHERE ID = '" & myID & "'"
if recSet.RecordCount < 1 then
NoRecordFlag = True
Increment = Increment + 1
myID = Me.ID & "-" & Str(Increment)
end if
Set recSet = Nothing
if Increment = 99 then
' No empty slots found
' Do Stuff....
end if
2, I am getting the error "no value given for one or more parameters."
the debugger is highlighting this line of code
recSet.Open "select * from Stored_Info WHERE AR_ID = '" & myID & "'"
Stored_Info is the table I am using to store all my information
AR_ID is the field that we are working on
//myID is getting a value
myID = Me.AR_ID & "-" & Str(Increment)
//I didnt make any changes to this one because i wasn't sure of what to do.
Set recSet = New ADODB.Recordset
I hope you can help me out one more time.
Thanks again
2, I am getting the error "no value given for one or more parameters."
the debugger is highlighting this line of code
recSet.Open "select * from Stored_Info WHERE AR_ID = '" & myID & "'"
Stored_Info is the table I am using to store all my information
AR_ID is the field that we are working on
//myID is getting a value
myID = Me.AR_ID & "-" & Str(Increment)
//I didnt make any changes to this one because i wasn't sure of what to do.
Set recSet = New ADODB.Recordset
I hope you can help me out one more time.
Thanks again
2, I am getting the error "no value given for one or more parameters."
the debugger is highlighting this line of code
recSet.Open "select * from Stored_Info WHERE AR_ID = '" & myID & "'"
Stored_Info is the table I am using to store all my information
AR_ID is the field that we are working on
//myID is getting a value
myID = Me.AR_ID & "-" & Str(Increment)
//I didnt make any changes to this one because i wasn't sure of what to do.
Set recSet = New ADODB.Recordset
I hope you can help me out one more time.
Thanks again
2, I am getting the error "no value given for one or more parameters."
the debugger is highlighting this line of code
recSet.Open "select * from Stored_Info WHERE AR_ID = '" & myID & "'"
Stored_Info is the table I am using to store all my information
AR_ID is the field that we are working on
//myID is getting a value
myID = Me.AR_ID & "-" & Str(Increment)
//I didnt make any changes to this one because i wasn't sure of what to do.
Set recSet = New ADODB.Recordset
I hope you can help me out one more time.
Thanks again