Leo Elbertse
I work frequently with spreadsheets that are created through an export
from a particular application.These sheets have dates in them, that
use a Customformat d"-"m"-"yyy. Although the cells are recognised as
dates, I'm more than happy to change this to a standard date format
should that be necessary.
The problem is, the outside application works with dates, that based
on when they were first created default to:
For the purpose of my job, I have to change all of these to:
When I do this without VBA it works perfectly. Recording a macro gives
the following result
Cells.Replace What:="31-12-????", Replacement:="31-12-2004", _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Entering this code in my VBA project, or even simply running this one
line of code does absolutely nothing however.
Anyone has an idea how to achieve this?
Leo Elbertse
from a particular application.These sheets have dates in them, that
use a Customformat d"-"m"-"yyy. Although the cells are recognised as
dates, I'm more than happy to change this to a standard date format
should that be necessary.
The problem is, the outside application works with dates, that based
on when they were first created default to:
For the purpose of my job, I have to change all of these to:
When I do this without VBA it works perfectly. Recording a macro gives
the following result
Cells.Replace What:="31-12-????", Replacement:="31-12-2004", _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
Entering this code in my VBA project, or even simply running this one
line of code does absolutely nothing however.
Anyone has an idea how to achieve this?
Leo Elbertse