Mr. Smith
In a form I list text boxes horizontally in 10 rows by 12 months with the
net revenue for different revenue types. Each net value is a calculation of
two measures, a cost and a sale amount.
How can store the cost and sale amount in a "efficient" and smart way in the
form. I can not have hidden values for each net text box. It would lead to a
total of 360 text boxes.
The values are loaded from a recordset.
Could I store the cost and sale amount in the tag properties for each net
revenue text box. I've used the tag property to build a array of different
custom text box properties in other applications.
I thinking in the lines of
tag = cost_amount & "|"& sale_amount
To let users see the net split by cost/sale I have a "popup" form that show
and also let them change the cost/sales value to calculate new net revenue.
Should I avoid this "tag" approach to store values, or would it work
My main concernt is to avoid unnede DB communication to show the cost/sale
amounts buildin the, but load them "hidden" in the form. Perhaps I should
only store it in a two dimensioal array in VBA?
Any hints appreciated.
Kind regards
Mr. Smith
In a form I list text boxes horizontally in 10 rows by 12 months with the
net revenue for different revenue types. Each net value is a calculation of
two measures, a cost and a sale amount.
How can store the cost and sale amount in a "efficient" and smart way in the
form. I can not have hidden values for each net text box. It would lead to a
total of 360 text boxes.
The values are loaded from a recordset.
Could I store the cost and sale amount in the tag properties for each net
revenue text box. I've used the tag property to build a array of different
custom text box properties in other applications.
I thinking in the lines of
tag = cost_amount & "|"& sale_amount
To let users see the net split by cost/sale I have a "popup" form that show
and also let them change the cost/sales value to calculate new net revenue.
Should I avoid this "tag" approach to store values, or would it work
My main concernt is to avoid unnede DB communication to show the cost/sale
amounts buildin the, but load them "hidden" in the form. Perhaps I should
only store it in a two dimensioal array in VBA?
Any hints appreciated.
Kind regards
Mr. Smith