I created a .vbs file to autorun one workbook, and set up a scheduled task to
run my vbs every morning at 9am. Here is the contents of the vbs file:
strUserIn = MsgBox("Run the PO file?",vbYesNo,"Automated Prompt")
If strUserIn = 6 then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Documents and
Settings\MyUserID\Desktop\PO analysis\opv.xls")
objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.Run "CrunchIt", "SkipEmailPrompt"
end if
CrunchIt is my main macro, and "SkipEmailPrompt" is an optional parameter
because when I am running this daily I don't want to be prompted as to
whether or not to generate automated emails to my user group, I only want to
do that if I am running that macro manually.
Note that when I do it this way, I do not get a macro warning prompt, the
vbs just opens the workbook and the macro starts running (well, only if I
answer yes to the prompt, but you could take that out if you needed to).
I commented out the close/quit lines because I like to look at the updated
graphs each time it runs, but your needs might be different.