Maybe this question looks stupid, but could anyone tell me if, and if so
how, it is possible to use the same sqlTransaction in more webpages.
Is it possible to store the sqlTransaction class in a session or viewstate?
It's because I need to create the following structure:
| 1 ORDER | ( OrderEntry.aspx)
| N ARTICLES | (ArticleEntry.aspx?TorId=<orderid>) [ popup ]
| N TESTS | ( TestEntry.aspx?ArtId=<articleId>) [ popup ]
And I want it to be stored in total in the database when the user clicks on
save on the OrderEntry Form.
Therefore I think that I need a transaction which will be committed when the
user clicks save.
Thank you very much,
kind regards,
Maybe this question looks stupid, but could anyone tell me if, and if so
how, it is possible to use the same sqlTransaction in more webpages.
Is it possible to store the sqlTransaction class in a session or viewstate?
It's because I need to create the following structure:
| 1 ORDER | ( OrderEntry.aspx)
| N ARTICLES | (ArticleEntry.aspx?TorId=<orderid>) [ popup ]
| N TESTS | ( TestEntry.aspx?ArtId=<articleId>) [ popup ]
And I want it to be stored in total in the database when the user clicks on
save on the OrderEntry Form.
Therefore I think that I need a transaction which will be committed when the
user clicks save.
Thank you very much,
kind regards,