I have an old PC sitting around doing nothing. I would like to turn it
into a machine for browsing internet. It is a Pentium Classic 200MHz
with 64MHz. It has a good 3dfx video card in it.
- I am running Win95 on it. It runs fine. But Microsoft doesn't
support Win95 any more. This means I will not get any update from
Microsoft to patch their bugs. I am under the impression that this is
not safe to browse internet without the O/S properly updated.
- I experimented running WinME on it. The PC ran noticably slower than
when it is in Win95. The performance is tolerable; but I hesistate to
use it because of the fact that the PC is below the minimum hardware
requirement for WinME.
- I could have tried Linux. But its minimum hardware requirement for
graphic interface is Pentium-II (as for Red Hat Linux). Seem like my
Pentium Classic is not a good platform for Linux.
My Questions Are:
1. From the info above, seems like I should stick with Win95. I am
just wondering what kind of risk I will expose myself to in internet if
I run a not-updated O/S?
2. Currently, I have a hardware firewall/router to protect the home
network. If I lock down the browser to run at the highest security
mode, I can get away from not running personal firewall or anti-virus
software on it, right?
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jay Chan
into a machine for browsing internet. It is a Pentium Classic 200MHz
with 64MHz. It has a good 3dfx video card in it.
- I am running Win95 on it. It runs fine. But Microsoft doesn't
support Win95 any more. This means I will not get any update from
Microsoft to patch their bugs. I am under the impression that this is
not safe to browse internet without the O/S properly updated.
- I experimented running WinME on it. The PC ran noticably slower than
when it is in Win95. The performance is tolerable; but I hesistate to
use it because of the fact that the PC is below the minimum hardware
requirement for WinME.
- I could have tried Linux. But its minimum hardware requirement for
graphic interface is Pentium-II (as for Red Hat Linux). Seem like my
Pentium Classic is not a good platform for Linux.
My Questions Are:
1. From the info above, seems like I should stick with Win95. I am
just wondering what kind of risk I will expose myself to in internet if
I run a not-updated O/S?
2. Currently, I have a hardware firewall/router to protect the home
network. If I lock down the browser to run at the highest security
mode, I can get away from not running personal firewall or anti-virus
software on it, right?
Thanks in advance for any info.
Jay Chan