Dear all,
I have a set of measure named and values that need to be reade and write.
fro that I was thinking to use the IDictionnary object and use this
measureName/values key pairs.
In other words i should get the following list of pairs:
System.Collections.IDictionary m_SysValue = null;
m_SysValue.Add("TotalLength", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityLength", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityStartAt", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("Status", "0");
Then from an other class I should be able to read those pairs and update
there values. The update object is then pass back to the initial class. AS a
result I should get :
m_SysValue.Add("TotalLength", "1250");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityLength", "1250");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityStartAt", "12");
m_SysValue.Add("Status", "3);
When I get this values update, I read them back again and I should read the
name of each key ( which correspond to a database column) and then each
value to be store to proper field.
First of all, does the sue of IDictionnary can be use in that way ?
If yes how can I do this ?
thnaks for help
I have a set of measure named and values that need to be reade and write.
fro that I was thinking to use the IDictionnary object and use this
measureName/values key pairs.
In other words i should get the following list of pairs:
System.Collections.IDictionary m_SysValue = null;
m_SysValue.Add("TotalLength", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityLength", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityStartAt", "0");
m_SysValue.Add("Status", "0");
Then from an other class I should be able to read those pairs and update
there values. The update object is then pass back to the initial class. AS a
result I should get :
m_SysValue.Add("TotalLength", "1250");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityLength", "1250");
m_SysValue.Add("QualityStartAt", "12");
m_SysValue.Add("Status", "3);
When I get this values update, I read them back again and I should read the
name of each key ( which correspond to a database column) and then each
value to be store to proper field.
First of all, does the sue of IDictionnary can be use in that way ?
If yes how can I do this ?
thnaks for help