Use of DOS software in windowsxp



Just upgraded to a new windowsxp Home edition version 2002 Service
Pack 2 from Dell. Cooking is one of my hobbies and I have collected
several thousand recipes in a DOS program called Meal Master. I was
able to run it under windows98SE but not on new windowsxp. I have
discovered the DOS boot disk so I can boot in DOS but then it does not
recognize I have a hard drive c:. I can use another floppy with meal
master software and see some recipes but am limited by capacity of
1.44 floppy. Questions:

1. Is there an easy way to put DOS on my hard drive without having to
add a partition which I think would mess up current c: files?

2. If not is there a way to boot with DOS floppy and see the c drive?

3. If I can see how about access to a printer?

4. If none of the above is possible just what do they expect you to do
with the boot to DOS floppy?

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Carey Frisch [MVP]

There is no MS-DOS in Windows XP so you can't boot
into something that isn't there.

How to use the Program Compatibility Wizard in Windows XP;en-us;301911&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Use Windows Program Compatibility Mode in Windows XP;en-us;292533&Product=winxp

Error message when you install or start an MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows-based program;en-us;324767&Product=winxp

How to Troubleshoot 16-Bit Windows Programs in Windows XP;en-us;314495&Product=winxp

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| Just upgraded to a new windowsxp Home edition version 2002 Service
| Pack 2 from Dell. Cooking is one of my hobbies and I have collected
| several thousand recipes in a DOS program called Meal Master. I was
| able to run it under windows98SE but not on new windowsxp. I have
| discovered the DOS boot disk so I can boot in DOS but then it does not
| recognize I have a hard drive c:. I can use another floppy with meal
| master software and see some recipes but am limited by capacity of
| 1.44 floppy. Questions:
| 1. Is there an easy way to put DOS on my hard drive without having to
| add a partition which I think would mess up current c: files?
| 2. If not is there a way to boot with DOS floppy and see the c drive?
| 3. If I can see how about access to a printer?
| 4. If none of the above is possible just what do they expect you to do
| with the boot to DOS floppy?
| email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
| Hank

Tom J

Rodney Kelp said:
Dos, dos,dos, FORGET DOS!

AHH! Yes!! I finally put my last system that would run DOS out on the street
about 3 weeks ago with a sign FREE. The guy that picked it up came back the
next day wanting to give me a hug!! He had lots of programs he still wanted
to run in DOS, including some that were on the 5 1/4 disk that system had a
drive for!

Gone are "the good old days".
Tom J

C.Joseph Drayton

Hash: SHA1

Hi Hank,

I have had very good luck with a program called DOSx.

Ciao . . . C.Joseph

That which a man buys too cheaply . . .
He esteems too lightly

Just upgraded to a new windowsxp Home edition version 2002 Service
Pack 2 from Dell. Cooking is one of my hobbies and I have collected
several thousand recipes in a DOS program called Meal Master. I was
able to run it under windows98SE but not on new windowsxp. I have
discovered the DOS boot disk so I can boot in DOS but then it does not
recognize I have a hard drive c:. I can use another floppy with meal
master software and see some recipes but am limited by capacity of
1.44 floppy. Questions:

1. Is there an easy way to put DOS on my hard drive without having to
add a partition which I think would mess up current c: files?

2. If not is there a way to boot with DOS floppy and see the c drive?

3. If I can see how about access to a printer?

4. If none of the above is possible just what do they expect you to do
with the boot to DOS floppy?

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