Use multiple email addreses for one contact

  • Thread starter Thread starter delbert.davis
  • Start date Start date


I've entered three emaill addresses for one contact, but when I create an
email for that contact, I only get the first email address. How do I get all
I've entered three emaill addresses for one contact, but when I create an
email for that contact, I only get the first email address. How do I get

What do you mean by "create an emai lfor that contact"? Do you mean
"compose a new message to that contact"? Where are you expecting to see all
three addresses? Where are you "getting" only the first address. Pretend
like we can't see what you do and explain fully. Be sure to include your
Outlook version as well.
Ok, using Outlook 2003, I have created several contacts, in those contacts I
have entered more than one email address using the email, email 1 and email 2
fields. What I want to be able to do is select more than one contact at a
time, click on the "new message to contact" button and create an email with
each of the address from email, email 1 and email 2 listed in the "to" line.
This works if I am only using one contact, but I need it to work when using
more than one contact at a time.
Ok, using Outlook 2003, I have created several contacts, in those contacts
have entered more than one email address using the email, email 1 and
email 2
fields. What I want to be able to do is select more than one contact at a
time, click on the "new message to contact" button and create an email
each of the address from email, email 1 and email 2 listed in the "to"
This works if I am only using one contact, but I need it to work when
more than one contact at a time.

Right. The Actions>New Message to Contact will add all the addresses only
when choosing a single contact. I don't know off the top of my head how to
get all the addresses when the selection contains multiple contacts. I'm
sure someone else will be able to help.
Can't be done. That's not the way Outlook was designed. Most users who want
to send to multiple Contacts only want to use one address for each, so
that's how Outlook works. Only when you send to a single Contact will
Outlook offer all the addresses.