I have a similiar problem but I need to count the number of counts in EVERY
bin of a graph seperately. i.e. How many have an (x,y) of (0,0) (0,1)(1,0)
and so on. For the numbers I am talking about I need to do this several
thousand times and copying the formula below doesn't work because it changes
the column it's looking at every time copy to a new cell. Is there another
way that can be easily copied?
I have a similar issue: I have a range of dates that I'm trackun using the
COUNTIF function based on the dates that are 91-180, 181-270, & 271-365, days
old, based on the TODAY date. for the 90-180days, I'm using the following,
but doesn't pan out:
Thanks much...That works great.
My dates are color coded, so how can I use the same formula, but only count
the dates in a specific color? Can this even be done?
Your dates are color coded for a reason. Use that reason as the logic in a
formula. If they're color coded using conditional formatting, use the same
logic of the conditional formatting rule to write a formula.