Use MDB file on machine where MS Office is not installed

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I wish to use MDB file on my machine, my machine doesn't have MS Office installed
I have installed .NET Redistrubutable 1.1 on machine

Can i use the MDB file and perform DML operations with MS Access database

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Thank You
Hardik Mehta
Thanks for your reply

but my problem is i have to use this file using my windows application
so will i be able to perform my DML operation using my windows application on my MDB file
Won't i get problem..? hope I won't get..:
but i would like openion of everybody who participate here.

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Hardik Mehta
You should be fine as long as you have the right providers installed.

If I could make a suggestion though... I've seen tons of people go through a
lot of headaches b/c of Access. When MSDE wasn't around this was
understandable. However in light of the fact that MSDE has every
conceivable advantage, to the customer and developer over Access and it's
free, it's hard to understand using Access.

If you switch to MSDE you'll get the performance benefits of using the
SqlClient library over OleDb. You can use REAL stored procedures. You can
set up your permissions to greatly enhance security. And you can have
effective backup and recovery w/ point in time restore ability. Plus you
will be able to handle more than 5 users banging on your db file and you
won't have to compact and repair all the time.

I know, all the Access zealots will tell you maintenance is sooo hard with
MSDE, but that's not borne out in reality and it only pertains to things
that are IMPOSSIBLE with Access.

Also, you can use files for instance or any other mechanism, (embedded
resourcss) to build tables or change them at runtime.

You won't regret the swtich. To give you a feel for it, this may be useful



First, I agree that there are advantages to using MSDE over Access. However, I take exception to a couple of your points in the argument and omissions of some additional facts

MSDE, just as Access, is not designed to support large numbers of people. There is no true benefit from this. You will want to use SQL Server for that support
MSDE requires additional resources that users may not want to commit too. Such as, administration of a services, scheduling of backups and, user management for those services. Access still needs some of this too, granted; it is not running a service, it is not open to future violations as a service is.

Stored procudures dont make up a big deal of savings when you are talking about a small number of people. Oledb vs SQLClient may be the best selling point for MSDE when you boil it down.

NTFS can still lock down a file in this world so connecting to and MDB on some drive is not of great concern, workgroup files are still effective. Still, given that; there are great debates still going on about application level security and user level security. Eitherway, its of no great importance.

Maintenance is not an issue as you will have it no matter what vehicle. The question is, when in a small workgroup, how many moving parts do you want to maintain

You will already have NT/AD security, you will already have a client workstation, you will already have (I hope) at least a DC and maybe a NFS (no matter what flavor). That is all you need for an Access solution. File locks could be a concern on the NFS if there are a lot of connections, but then; Access nor MSDE were designed for that. Memory management is for the client's workstation to deal with, I know its not optimal.

Do you want to add

A). A common repository of data that runs as a service (either, a single workstation ~bad idea~, DC ~worse idea~, NFS ~Wn OS Only~

B). A shared set of replicated data, ewww dont even go there