I would like to format the text that is placed into my e-mails that are ent
out through the DB. I am having a hard time trying to find out information
that will help me on this issue. I do not know how to use HTML tags in VB. I
found a forums where someone suggested using: "" & "some text" & ""
This does not work. I know HTML, just not how to use it in VB. Below is an
example of the format I currently use to send an e-mail message. If anyone
has any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!
Public Sub SendRequest(frm As Form)
Dim emName, emName2 As String, varItem As Variant
Dim emailBody As String
Dim emailSubject As String
emailSubject = "Product Test Request (Tech. Team Leader next action)"
On Error GoTo btnSend_Click_error
emailBody = "Hello, " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"A product test request has been issued for Request Number: " &
frm.REQUEST_NO.Text & "." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please log into the Product Engineering Test Database
to review this request to continue the process, Thank You!"
For Each varItem In frm!lboRequestee.ItemsSelected
emName = emName & Chr(34) & frm!lboRequestee.Column(2, varItem) &
Chr(34) & ","
Next varItem
For Each varItem In frm!lboRequestor.ItemsSelected
emName2 = emName2 & Chr(34) & frm!lboRequestor.Column(2, varItem) &
Chr(34) & ","
Next varItem
'remove the extra comma at the end
'add the requestor to the e-mail list recipients
emName2 = Left$(emName2, Len(emName2) - 1)
emName = Left$(emName, Len(emName) - 1)
'send message
frm.Visible = False
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , emName, emName2, , emailSubject,
emailBody, True, False
If Err.Number = 2501 Then
MsgBox "You just canceled the e-mail", vbCritical, "Alert"
End If
End Sub
I would like to format the text that is placed into my e-mails that are ent
out through the DB. I am having a hard time trying to find out information
that will help me on this issue. I do not know how to use HTML tags in VB. I
found a forums where someone suggested using: "" & "some text" & ""
This does not work. I know HTML, just not how to use it in VB. Below is an
example of the format I currently use to send an e-mail message. If anyone
has any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!
Public Sub SendRequest(frm As Form)
Dim emName, emName2 As String, varItem As Variant
Dim emailBody As String
Dim emailSubject As String
emailSubject = "Product Test Request (Tech. Team Leader next action)"
On Error GoTo btnSend_Click_error
emailBody = "Hello, " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"A product test request has been issued for Request Number: " &
frm.REQUEST_NO.Text & "." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please log into the Product Engineering Test Database
to review this request to continue the process, Thank You!"
For Each varItem In frm!lboRequestee.ItemsSelected
emName = emName & Chr(34) & frm!lboRequestee.Column(2, varItem) &
Chr(34) & ","
Next varItem
For Each varItem In frm!lboRequestor.ItemsSelected
emName2 = emName2 & Chr(34) & frm!lboRequestor.Column(2, varItem) &
Chr(34) & ","
Next varItem
'remove the extra comma at the end
'add the requestor to the e-mail list recipients
emName2 = Left$(emName2, Len(emName2) - 1)
emName = Left$(emName, Len(emName) - 1)
'send message
frm.Visible = False
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , emName, emName2, , emailSubject,
emailBody, True, False
If Err.Number = 2501 Then
MsgBox "You just canceled the e-mail", vbCritical, "Alert"
End If
End Sub