Use function output as a cell reference



I want to use the cell reference generated by ADDRESS as the number value
(start of the range) in the SUM function.

For example the result of my ADDRESS function is $C$5 and I want the range
in SUM to start at $C$5 to an end reference. However, when I point to the
cell which contains my ADDRESS function and shows $C$5 as the result, the SUM
function just takes the cell reference of where the ADDRESS fucntion is and
not the outcome.



If A1 contains $C$5 then try:

=SUM(INDIRECT(A1 &":C10"))

This will sum C5 to C10



Hello Nigel,

Do you actually want to display $C$5 on your sheet or are you calculating
that only as a means to enerate the correct sum formula?

If it's the latter then there are probably better ways, possibly using
INDEX, what's your Address function?

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