use default button hijacked



when i click on "use default" in internet options, there is a bizarre url - how do i get rid of it
do i have to re-install internet explorer
my homepage was also hijacked but i was able to fix this manually typing my preferred url in internet options, disabling srvhost.exe using start>run>msconfig and then restarting (stops the homepage being reset to the hijacked page
however this doesn't get rid of the url in the "use default" butto
my home page is now ok but i don't want that url in the "use default" butto

can anyone help


Jan Il

Hi Blue Sky :)

blue sky said:
when i click on "use default" in internet options, there is a bizarre url - how do i get rid of it?
do i have to re-install internet explorer?
my homepage was also hijacked but i was able to fix this manually typing
my preferred url in internet options, disabling srvhost.exe using
start>run>msconfig and then restarting (stops the homepage being reset to
the hijacked page)
however this doesn't get rid of the url in the "use default" button
my home page is now ok but i don't want that url in the "use default" button

can anyone help?

Try the programs below and see if they will help:

It is possible you may have parasites, spyware, adware,
malware, or hijackware on your system causing the problem.
Download and install, you *must* update the programs prior
to running to be sure they have the latest definitions, then
run the programs below. They are free and very effective. Be
sure to run both SpyBot and Adaware, as what one does
not detect the other may. It is important that you follow all
directions carefully:

SpyBot Search & Destroy: Free

AdAware: Free

CWShredder: Free

HiJackThis: - Free

Go to ,

and download HiJackThis. Unzip to a folder other than your Desktop or the
Temp folder, doubleclick HiJackThis.exe, and hit "Scan".

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log"
button. Press that, save the log some place you remember where it is. Most
ofwhat it lists will be harmless or even required, so DO NOT fix anything

Open a the copy of your log in NotePad and made a copy. Then you can go here
to post you log:

Go to the HiJackThis section on the forum list and click to open. You can
post as a guest. It's also a good site to keep for reference. The experts
there will analyze the log and report back the results. Please allow at
least a few hours or a days time for a response.

Remember, you must return to the HJT site to get your answer. It is a good
idea to click the "Notify" box so that you will get an electronic
notification by e-mail to let you know when a response has been posted.
But, you must still return to the site of your answer

Help with Hijackware & Scumware Information:

HijackThis Quick Start Help

The Tutorial if you want to know more about the results or the .log file.

Here is information on how to help protect your system:

Practice Safe Hex

This program helps control parasites, spyware, adware, and malware that may
get on your system:

SpywareBlaster: Free

Hope this helps.

Jan :)


thank you Jan II :-

i haven't tried the various software & hijack this yet (i don't think the anti-spyware software will work as i had already run Pest Patrol & it didn't fix it

i did find this method thoug

go to start>run>regedit then open

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Mai

and in the right hand pane, double click "Local Page"

this will show a whole bunch of files that contain defaults for various things - you can change the "use default" button url her

doesn't fix it completely because if i let srvhost.exe run again it will switch it back to the hijacked urls but it will do for no


nb thanks to Frank Saunders, MS-MVP for this fi

----- Jan Il wrote: ----

Hi Blue Sky :-

blue sky said:
when i click on "use default" in internet options, there is a bizarr url - how do i get rid of it
do i have to re-install internet explorer
my homepage was also hijacked but i was able to fix this manually typin
my preferred url in internet options, disabling srvhost.exe usin
start>run>msconfig and then restarting (stops the homepage being reset t
the hijacked page
however this doesn't get rid of the url in the "use default" butto
my home page is now ok but i don't want that url in the "use default butto

Try the programs below and see if they will help

It is possible you may have parasites, spyware, adware
malware, or hijackware on your system causing the problem
Download and install, you *must* update the programs prio
to running to be sure they have the latest definitions, the
run the programs below. They are free and very effective. B
sure to run both SpyBot and Adaware, as what one doe
not detect the other may. It is important that you follow al
directions carefully

SpyBot Search & Destroy: Fre

AdAware: Fre

CWShredder: Fre

HiJackThis: - Fre

Go t

and download HiJackThis. Unzip to a folder other than your Desktop or th
Temp folder, doubleclick HiJackThis.exe, and hit "Scan"

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log
button. Press that, save the log some place you remember where it is. Mos
ofwhat it lists will be harmless or even required, so DO NOT fix anythin

Open a the copy of your log in NotePad and made a copy. Then you can go her
to post you log

Go to the HiJackThis section on the forum list and click to open. You ca
post as a guest. It's also a good site to keep for reference. The expert
there will analyze the log and report back the results. Please allow a
least a few hours or a days time for a response

Remember, you must return to the HJT site to get your answer. It is a goo
idea to click the "Notify" box so that you will get an electroni
notification by e-mail to let you know when a response has been posted
But, you must still return to the site of your answe

Help with Hijackware & Scumware Information

HijackThis Quick Start Hel

The Tutorial if you want to know more about the results or the .log file

Here is information on how to help protect your system:

Practice Safe Hex

This program helps control parasites, spyware, adware, and malware that may
get on your system:

SpywareBlaster: Free

Hope this helps.

Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Blue Sky

blue sky said:
thank you Jan II :)

i haven't tried the various software & hijack this yet (i don't think the
anti-spyware software will work as i had already run Pest Patrol & it didn't
fix it)

SpyBot and AdAware have different definitions as they look for different
things SpyBot hunts spyware, AdAware hunts adware, and they both are
different than Pest Patrol. Not that Pest Patrol is not good, it just does
not have the same definitions that SpyBot and AdAware do. :)
i did find this method though

go to start>run>regedit then open

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

and in the right hand pane, double click "Local Page"

this will show a whole bunch of files that contain defaults for various
things - you can change the "use default" button url here
doesn't fix it completely because if i let srvhost.exe run again it will
switch it back to the hijacked urls but it will do for now

Glad that you are making good progress. Once you have completed all the
steps, you should be back up to par. Please do run the SpyBot and AdAware
as well. You could be surprised at what might still be on your system. :)

nb thanks to Frank Saunders, MS-MVP for this fix

Jan :)

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