Eva Shanley
I have approximately 500 rows of data that need to be
transferred to Datacomm; Datacomm will only accept 99 rows
before it requires a different batch number, so I need to
count the rows from 1 to 99 then insert the respective row
numbers in each row. Then I need to start over again and
number from 1 to 99 for the next bunch of rows. I tried a
couple of macros and did get some results but they weren't
pretty; I could use some help on this. Thanks as always!
transferred to Datacomm; Datacomm will only accept 99 rows
before it requires a different batch number, so I need to
count the rows from 1 to 99 then insert the respective row
numbers in each row. Then I need to start over again and
number from 1 to 99 for the next bunch of rows. I tried a
couple of macros and did get some results but they weren't
pretty; I could use some help on this. Thanks as always!