When an Excel file with a macro is opened, do all the
forms and the controls on the forms exist before the form
is initialized or called? The reason I am asking is that
I was recently using the value of a form's checkbox
instead of a boolean variable to control an IF statement.
It seems to work just as well either way, but I decided
that it might be dangerous to assume that the form's
checkbox is true or false or even that the form exists
before being called, so I created an explicit boolean
variable and made it public. What's the best practice?
forms and the controls on the forms exist before the form
is initialized or called? The reason I am asking is that
I was recently using the value of a form's checkbox
instead of a boolean variable to control an IF statement.
It seems to work just as well either way, but I decided
that it might be dangerous to assume that the form's
checkbox is true or false or even that the form exists
before being called, so I created an explicit boolean
variable and made it public. What's the best practice?