If EXPIRES is ever null you will get an error generated by CDate. The
error value being returned will then cause a type mismatch error.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Co wrote:
How do you plan to use this string, in form's filter property? Are the
variables textboxes on a form holding a date values?
"CDate([expires]) BETWEEN #" & tbGemaaktVan.Text & "# AND #" & tbGemaaktTot.
Text "#"
Co wrote:
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a query with the following:
strFilter = "CDate([expires])>" & Chr(35) & tbGemaaktVan.Text & Chr
(35) & " AND CDate([expires])<" & Chr(35) & tbGemaaktTot.Text & Chr
the field expires is a textfield and not a datefield.
Is there any way to do this?
Message posted via AccessMonster.comhttp://
the variablen are textboxes.
I changed the code to:
strFilter & "CDate([expires]) BETWEEN " & Chr(35) & tbVerlooptVan.Text
& Chr(35) & " AND " & Chr(35) & tbVerlooptTot.Text & Chr(35)
Dim sql As String = "SELECT Bestanden.*, Kabinet.foldername FROM
Bestanden INNER JOIN " & _
"Kabinet ON Bestanden.lokatie = Kabinet.Id
WHERE " & sValues
And now I'm getting an error at the second record saying:
There's a type mismatch in the expression of the criteria.