Use a variable number of fields

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I dont know if I have phrased this correctly but there must be a more elegant
solution than I am using now.

I have a database for managing education courses, I have tables for

Events Location

the problem I have is that each course has either 1, 3 , 5 days I need to
collect attendance data and use the database for producing timetables.

How would you set up the database to input the dates for each course and
collect registration data.

At the moment my solution is to collect attendance data I have fields on the
registration table for Day 1 , 2 3, 4 5, which link to a form and if it is
only a one day course I only complete that part of the form.

I Also input the dates into the table events location to generate
timetables. the Events table has start date and end date field s which i
independently complete. I know I am repeating data input and this is where
error can occur.

I know this is not explaining my problem well, but any help would be



Adding fields to add data is a very spreadsheetly thing to do (in a
spreadsheet, it may be the ONLY way). But in a relational database like
Access, you can reflect the real-world situation you've described...

If I understand, you can have between 1 and 5 days for which you need to
collect/record information. Instead of adding fields, then modifying every
query, form, report, macro and code snippet that refers to the fields, add a
single table to hold the "many" data. You've described what sounds like a
one-to-many relationship -- use the new table to show that.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner
Hi Jeff

thanks for replying, when I originally designed this last year I had no idea
what I was doing, I think I need to have a redesign and have planned time to
do this. One of my worarounds actually uses one to many relationship for the
dates so I can utilise that throughout the database to store the dates. here
is the difficult bit (for me) how do i do this with forms:

How do I show that the course has 1-5 days
How do I then input the data on the form.
How do I set the startdate,enddate

sorry about this, i dont think i am explaining myself well.


If I understand, you can have between 1 and 5 days for which you need to
collect/record information. Instead of adding fields, then modifying every
query, form, report, macro and code snippet that refers to the fields, add a
single table to hold the "many" data. You've described what sounds like a
one-to-many relationship -- use the new table to show that.

I read the OP's spec as needing to go a bit further than this e.g. it's
OK to add day four into the database if it's one of those five-day
courses but not for a three-day course.

Here's something I did for an earlier thread:

Approach 1: use referential integrity:

seating_capacity INTEGER NOT NULL,
CHECK (seating_capacity > 0),
UNIQUE (seating_capacity, class_ID)
CREATE TABLE Enrolment (
seating_capacity INTEGER NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (seating_capacity, class_ID)
REFERENCES Classes (seating_capacity, class_ID),
REFERENCES Students (student_ID),
UNIQUE (class_ID, student_ID),
seat_number INTEGER NOT NULL,
UNIQUE (class_ID, seat_number),
CONSTRAINT row_level_CHECK_constraint
CHECK (seat_number <= seating_capacity)

The pros include ease of implementation in Access because the row-level

CHECK constraint can be replaced by a record-level Validation Rule. The

cons include the otherwise-redundant repeating seating_capacity on each

row and the burdensome need to maintain a sequence for seat_number...

Approach 2: 'hide' the need for both the repeating seating_capacity and

the sequence of seat numbers in a table-level CHECK constraint:

CREATE TABLE Enrolment (
REFERENCES Classes (class_ID),
REFERENCES Students (student_ID),
UNIQUE (class_ID, student_ID),
CONSTRAINT table_level_CHECK_constraint
SELECT C1.seating_capacity
FROM Classes AS C1
WHERE Enrolment.class_ID = C1.class_ID
) >= (
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE Enrolment.class_ID = E1.class_ID)


Hi Jamie

thanks for your reply. You are correct that I would like some form of
validation that if its a three day course I can only add three days of
information into the table.

I will be honest though, I have no idea what to do with your code.

I think to start with I will have to look at redesigning my tables and
forms. at the moment I collect the same data in three places and need to
change that, it looks like a big job though.

thanks for your help

Phil said:
thanks for your reply. You are correct that I would like some form of
validation that if its a three day course I can only add three days of
information into the table.

I will be honest though, I have no idea what to do with your code.

Funny, that's what the OP said in the other thread. Did you read the
break down I posted there?

Here is a repost:
could I bother you to break it down a bit please?

Below is some VBA code to create a new .mdb file containing three base
tables (Students, Classes and Enrolment) and an auxiliary table
(Sequence table of integers), including Validation Rules (replacing the

CHECK constraints to be more Access-friendly), referential integrity
(foreign keys), UNIQUE constraints (but no PKs) plus limited test data.

Note I've used text for ID columns to aid data readability.

[At this point you should run the below VBA code (search this post for
"<VBA code starts>") to create the example MDB and have it open in
Access before proceeding.]

Take a look at the Enrolment table:

SELECT class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID, seat_number
FROM Enrolment
ORDER BY class_ID, seat_number;

Note all classes are currently full.

To demonstrate the constraints work as intended, first try to add enrol

a student twice on the same course:

UPDATE Enrolment
SET student_ID = 'Katewudes'
WHERE student_ID = 'Tinatotac';

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because
they would create duplicate values".

Attempt to add another student to an already full course:

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 4);

generates the error, "seat_number cannot exceed seating_capacity";

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 4);

generates the error, "You cannot add or change a record because a
related record is required in table 'Classes'": in other words, the
seat capacity for this class is not 4;

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 3);

generates the error, "The changes you requested to the table were not
successful because they would create duplicate values": in other words,

that seat is taken.

To add a student we first need to increase the class capacity:

UPDATE Classes
SET seating_capacity = 5
WHERE class_ID = 'Jet4.0SP8';

Note the CASCADE referential action changes the values in the Enrolment

table. Then enrole the student...

Well, instead of having to generate a seat sequence number and get the
seat capacity let's use a helper procedure**:

arg_student_ID CHAR(9),
arg_class_ID CHAR(9) = 'Databases'
INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq) AS
FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence AS Q1
WHERE C1.class_ID = arg_class_ID
AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID
AND Q1.seq > (
SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number) IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number))
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
AND E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID
GROUP BY C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID
HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;

To execute the proc, use:

EXECUTE Enrole 'Lisadefus', 'Jet4.0SP8';

BTW attempting to execute a second time does not generate an error by
design; instead, check the records (rows) affected property: it will
either be 1 or 0 depending on whether the INSERT was successful. This
is merely an alternative approach, one that avoids errors: personally I

prefer to catch the errors to give feedback on *why* the INSERT failed.

** In case you are not in ANSI-92 query mode (see, here

is the equivalent Access-friendly SQL:

PARAMETERS arg_student_ID Text ( 9 ), arg_class_ID Text ( 9 );
INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq) AS
FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence AS Q1
WHERE C1.class_ID = arg_class_ID
AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID
AND Q1.seq > (
SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number) IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number))
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
AND E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID
GROUP BY C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID
HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;

I hope this gives you enough info to implement the approach in your
app, or at least give you some ideas on how to proceed.

As promised, here follows the VBA code to reproduce the test database.
The VBA can be executed from anywhere e.g. open Excel, create a new
blank workbook, navigate the Visual Basic Editor (e.g. ctrl+F11), add a

new blank Standard Module (e.g. from the menu, choose: Insert, Module),

copy+paste in the code and run it (e.g. choose: Debug, Run To Cursor):

' ---------<VBA code starts>---------
Sub CreateTempDB()
Kill "C:\DropMe.mdb"
Dim cat
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
With cat
' Create database
.Create _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\DropMe.mdb"

' Create Tables
With .ActiveConnection
.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Students ( student_ID CHAR(9)" & _

.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Classes ( class_ID CHAR(9)" & _
" NOT NULL UNIQUE, seating_capacity INTEGER" & _
" NOT NULL, UNIQUE (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _

.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Enrolment ( class_ID CHAR(9)" & _
" NOT NULL, seating_capacity INTEGER NOT" & _
" NULL, CONSTRAINT fk__Enrolment__Classes" & _
" FOREIGN KEY (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _
" REFERENCES Classes (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _
" CHAR(9) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT fk__Enrolment__Students" & _
" REFERENCES Students (student_ID) ON DELETE" & _
" student_ID), seat_number INTEGER NOT NULL," & _
" UNIQUE (class_ID, seat_number) ) ; "

.Execute _

' Create helper procedure
.Execute _
"CREATE PROCEDURE Enrole ( arg_student_ID" & _
" CHAR(9), arg_class_ID CHAR(9) = 'Databases'" & _
" ) AS INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity," & _
" student_ID, seat_number) SELECT C1.class_ID," & _
" C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq)" & _
" AS seat_number FROM Classes AS C1, Students" & _
" AS S1, Sequence AS Q1 WHERE C1.class_ID" & _
" = arg_class_ID AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID" & _
" AND Q1.seq > ( SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number)" & _
" IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number)) FROM Enrolment" & _
" AS E1 WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID )" & _
" AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Enrolment" & _
" AS E1 WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID AND" & _
" E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID ) GROUP BY" & _
" C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID" & _
" HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;"

End With

' Create Validation Rules
Dim jeng
Set jeng = CreateObject("JRO.JetEngine")
jeng.RefreshCache .ActiveConnection

.Tables("Classes").Columns("seating_capacity") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Rule").Value = _
"> 0"
.Tables("Classes").Columns("seating_capacity") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Text").Value = _
"seating_capacity must be greater than zero"

.Tables("Enrolment") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Rule").Value = _
"seat_number <= seating_capacity"
.Tables("Enrolment") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Text").Value = _
"seat_number cannot exceed seating_capacity"

jeng.RefreshCache .ActiveConnection

' Create test data
Dim con
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.ConnectionString = .ActiveConnection.ConnectionString
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With

With con
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops") _
.Value = 1 ' partial completion

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Norarules');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Katewudes');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Tinatotac');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Lisadefus');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Peteradel');"

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Databases', 5);"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Normalize', 4);"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3);"

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO [Sequence] (seq) SELECT (SELECT" & _
" COUNT(*) FROM Students AS T2 WHERE T1.student_ID" & _
" <= T2.student_ID) FROM Students AS T1;"

' Fill Enrolement 'randomly'
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity," & _
" student_ID, seat_number) SELECT C1.class_ID," & _
" C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, Q1.seq" & _
" FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence" & _
" AS Q1;"

End With

End Sub
' ---------<VBA code ends>---------

thanks for getting back to me, I have run the code to biuld the database and
this is exactly what I would like to implement in my database. I have used
code in the past however find it difficult to use so please bare with me.

To implement this in my database

your [Classes] table is where I presume I would put the number of days e.g.
1,3,5 and could call the table something like EventTypes which would be used
to limit the number of days in each course

The enrolment Table would be my already existing tbleventslocation which has
the dates information for the course

The students would come from my Events table which already exists

I dont know why you have the sequence table, would i need it, what does it do.

I have only ever used code in forms and cannot see how you implement this in
tables. I have looked at the individual tables and database and cannot find
any code in design view, i did find one validation rule.

what code do I need and where do I put it. I cannot see standalone code in
your post and would not know where to put in tables

I would love to be able to do this as I see it would do what I need, just
one other question will this still work in forms I presume it will as it
works on the underlying tables

sorry about this thicky response, but I appreciate all your help. of course
I understand if I am asking for to much, just let me know



Jamie Collins said:
thanks for your reply. You are correct that I would like some form of
validation that if its a three day course I can only add three days of
information into the table.

I will be honest though, I have no idea what to do with your code.

Funny, that's what the OP said in the other thread. Did you read the
break down I posted there?

Here is a repost:
could I bother you to break it down a bit please?

Below is some VBA code to create a new .mdb file containing three base
tables (Students, Classes and Enrolment) and an auxiliary table
(Sequence table of integers), including Validation Rules (replacing the

CHECK constraints to be more Access-friendly), referential integrity
(foreign keys), UNIQUE constraints (but no PKs) plus limited test data.

Note I've used text for ID columns to aid data readability.

[At this point you should run the below VBA code (search this post for
"<VBA code starts>") to create the example MDB and have it open in
Access before proceeding.]

Take a look at the Enrolment table:

SELECT class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID, seat_number
FROM Enrolment
ORDER BY class_ID, seat_number;

Note all classes are currently full.

To demonstrate the constraints work as intended, first try to add enrol

a student twice on the same course:

UPDATE Enrolment
SET student_ID = 'Katewudes'
WHERE student_ID = 'Tinatotac';

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because
they would create duplicate values".

Attempt to add another student to an already full course:

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 4);

generates the error, "seat_number cannot exceed seating_capacity";

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 4);

generates the error, "You cannot add or change a record because a
related record is required in table 'Classes'": in other words, the
seat capacity for this class is not 4;

INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3, 'Lisadefus', 3);

generates the error, "The changes you requested to the table were not
successful because they would create duplicate values": in other words,

that seat is taken.

To add a student we first need to increase the class capacity:

UPDATE Classes
SET seating_capacity = 5
WHERE class_ID = 'Jet4.0SP8';

Note the CASCADE referential action changes the values in the Enrolment

table. Then enrole the student...

Well, instead of having to generate a seat sequence number and get the
seat capacity let's use a helper procedure**:

arg_student_ID CHAR(9),
arg_class_ID CHAR(9) = 'Databases'
INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq) AS
FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence AS Q1
WHERE C1.class_ID = arg_class_ID
AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID
AND Q1.seq > (
SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number) IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number))
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
AND E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID
GROUP BY C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID
HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;

To execute the proc, use:

EXECUTE Enrole 'Lisadefus', 'Jet4.0SP8';

BTW attempting to execute a second time does not generate an error by
design; instead, check the records (rows) affected property: it will
either be 1 or 0 depending on whether the INSERT was successful. This
is merely an alternative approach, one that avoids errors: personally I

prefer to catch the errors to give feedback on *why* the INSERT failed.

** In case you are not in ANSI-92 query mode (see, here

is the equivalent Access-friendly SQL:

PARAMETERS arg_student_ID Text ( 9 ), arg_class_ID Text ( 9 );
INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity, student_ID,
SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq) AS
FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence AS Q1
WHERE C1.class_ID = arg_class_ID
AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID
AND Q1.seq > (
SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number) IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number))
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
FROM Enrolment AS E1
WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID
AND E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID
GROUP BY C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID
HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;

I hope this gives you enough info to implement the approach in your
app, or at least give you some ideas on how to proceed.

As promised, here follows the VBA code to reproduce the test database.
The VBA can be executed from anywhere e.g. open Excel, create a new
blank workbook, navigate the Visual Basic Editor (e.g. ctrl+F11), add a

new blank Standard Module (e.g. from the menu, choose: Insert, Module),

copy+paste in the code and run it (e.g. choose: Debug, Run To Cursor):

' ---------<VBA code starts>---------
Sub CreateTempDB()
Kill "C:\DropMe.mdb"
Dim cat
Set cat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
With cat
' Create database
.Create _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\DropMe.mdb"

' Create Tables
With .ActiveConnection
.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Students ( student_ID CHAR(9)" & _

.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Classes ( class_ID CHAR(9)" & _
" NOT NULL UNIQUE, seating_capacity INTEGER" & _
" NOT NULL, UNIQUE (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _

.Execute _
"CREATE TABLE Enrolment ( class_ID CHAR(9)" & _
" NOT NULL, seating_capacity INTEGER NOT" & _
" NULL, CONSTRAINT fk__Enrolment__Classes" & _
" FOREIGN KEY (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _
" REFERENCES Classes (seating_capacity, class_ID)" & _
" CHAR(9) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT fk__Enrolment__Students" & _
" REFERENCES Students (student_ID) ON DELETE" & _
" student_ID), seat_number INTEGER NOT NULL," & _
" UNIQUE (class_ID, seat_number) ) ; "

.Execute _

' Create helper procedure
.Execute _
"CREATE PROCEDURE Enrole ( arg_student_ID" & _
" CHAR(9), arg_class_ID CHAR(9) = 'Databases'" & _
" ) AS INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity," & _
" student_ID, seat_number) SELECT C1.class_ID," & _
" C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, MIN(Q1.seq)" & _
" AS seat_number FROM Classes AS C1, Students" & _
" AS S1, Sequence AS Q1 WHERE C1.class_ID" & _
" = arg_class_ID AND S1.student_ID = arg_student_ID" & _
" AND Q1.seq > ( SELECT IIF(MAX(E1.seat_number)" & _
" IS NULL, 0, MAX(E1.seat_number)) FROM Enrolment" & _
" AS E1 WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID )" & _
" AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Enrolment" & _
" AS E1 WHERE E1.class_ID = C1.class_ID AND" & _
" E1.student_ID = S1.student_ID ) GROUP BY" & _
" C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID" & _
" HAVING MIN(Q1.seq) <= C1.seating_capacity;"

End With

' Create Validation Rules
Dim jeng
Set jeng = CreateObject("JRO.JetEngine")
jeng.RefreshCache .ActiveConnection

.Tables("Classes").Columns("seating_capacity") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Rule").Value = _
"> 0"
.Tables("Classes").Columns("seating_capacity") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Column Validation Text").Value = _
"seating_capacity must be greater than zero"

.Tables("Enrolment") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Rule").Value = _
"seat_number <= seating_capacity"
.Tables("Enrolment") _
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Text").Value = _
"seat_number cannot exceed seating_capacity"

jeng.RefreshCache .ActiveConnection

' Create test data
Dim con
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.ConnectionString = .ActiveConnection.ConnectionString
Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
End With

With con
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops") _
.Value = 1 ' partial completion

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Norarules');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Katewudes');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Tinatotac');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Lisadefus');"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Students (student_ID) VALUES" & _
" ('Peteradel');"

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Databases', 5);"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Normalize', 4);"
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Classes (class_ID, seating_capacity)" & _
" VALUES ('Jet4.0SP8', 3);"

.Execute _
"INSERT INTO [Sequence] (seq) SELECT (SELECT" & _
" COUNT(*) FROM Students AS T2 WHERE T1.student_ID" & _
" <= T2.student_ID) FROM Students AS T1;"

' Fill Enrolement 'randomly'
.Execute _
"INSERT INTO Enrolment (class_ID, seating_capacity," & _
" student_ID, seat_number) SELECT C1.class_ID," & _
" C1.seating_capacity, S1.student_ID, Q1.seq" & _
" FROM Classes AS C1, Students AS S1, Sequence" & _
" AS Q1;"

End With

End Sub
' ---------<VBA code ends>---------

As you've pointed out, the validation (no "day 4" in a "3-day" course) could
be handled at the table level with constraints added into the table
definition. This approach is consistent with our earlier "conversation"
about embedding as much business logic/validation into the table as

Aside from the issue of complexity (more difficult to achieve, since the
user interface does not facilitate this), I have a concern (just realizing
it) that embedding logic and business rules into the underlying data
structure forces anyone using the data to agree to the embedded rules, even
if they aren't aware that they are there! (again, with the lack of user

I see an advantage using a more multi-tier approach, in which the data is
just data, the user-interface is only that, and the business rules occupy a
middle-ground? What are your thoughts?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Hi Jeff

thanks for this i appreciate your reply. From your suggestion, I take it
that validation would be better through the form than through the tables.
how would I go about this and ensure that each course had the correct number
of days at the moment I only have a text box which shows if it is 1,3 or 5


Phil said:
To implement this in my database

your [Classes] table is where I presume I would put the number of days e.g.
1,3,5 and could call the table something like EventTypes which would be used
to limit the number of days in each course

The enrolment Table would be my already existing tbleventslocation which has

Surely you'd want to ensure the number of days for the course
corresponds to the course's dates in tbleventslocation? Therefore, you
may want to put the 'number of days' column (with an appropriate name)
in the same table. The reason for doing this is the same as repeating
the Classes.seating_capacity column in the enrolment table in my
example and that is because the two flavours of Access Validation Rule
(disregarding CHECK constraints) are column-level and row-level. In
other words, in order to ensure the seat number is not higher than the
maximum possible seat number using a row-level Validation Rule, every
row must contain the value for the maximum seat number.

Consider this example (I hope you can follow the logic of the SQL code,
if not the complete syntax):

CREATE TABLE Happenings (
happening_start_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening_start_date__first_time_granule
CHECK(HOUR(happening_start_date) = 0
AND MINUTE(happening_start_date) = 0
AND SECOND(happening_start_date) = 0),
happening_end_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening_end_date__last_time_granule
CHECK(HOUR(happening_end_date) = 23
AND MINUTE(happening_end_date) = 59
AND SECOND(happening_end_date) = 59),
CONSTRAINT happening___date_order
CHECK(happening_start_date < happening_end_date),
happening_duration_days INTEGER NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening___duration_days__dates__interaction
CHECK(happening_duration_days = DATEDIFF('d', happening_start_date,
DATEADD('s', 1, happening_end_date))),
UNIQUE (happening_duration_days, happening_ID)

Once again the CHECK constraints can all be replaced by Validation
Rules, notably the one that checks that the duration in days
corresponds to the start and end dates.

The temporal nature of the data can significantly increase the
complexity of the design. For example, to check there are no
overlapping periods for courses for the same location you almost
certainly wouldn't be able to use a Validation Rule :(
I dont know why you have the sequence table, would i need it, what does it do.

An auxiliary Sequence table of integers is a standard SQL trick and has
a number of uses e.g. see:

ASP FAQ: Why should I consider using an auxiliary numbers table?

In my example I am generating sequences of seat number between 1 and
the maximum possible seat number and a Sequence table is ideal for this
e.g. using the example, this:

SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.seq AS seat_number
FROM Classes AS C1, [Sequence] AS S1
WHERE S1.seq BETWEEN 1 AND C1.seating_capacity
ORDER BY C1.class_ID, S1.seq;

uses the Sequence table to generates all seat numbers for all courses
with exceeding the course maximum.
I have only ever used code in forms and cannot see how you implement this in
tables. I have looked at the individual tables and database and cannot find
any code in design view, i did find one validation rule.

what code do I need and where do I put it. I cannot see standalone code in
your post and would not know where to put in tables

You don't need code to reproduce my example.

There are more than one ways to skin a cat <g>. I prefer to create
tables, constraints, etc using SQL DDL code. Others prefer to use the
Access GUI tools which I personally find hard work: table design view
for tables, columns, Validation Rules, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE (Index No
Duplicates), etc; Relationships window to drag-drop create FOREIGN KEY
(enforce integrity = yes); etc.

It is sure easier for me to produce VBA code that will create the DB
rather than describe the steps required ('open this, click here, answer
'No' when prompted," etc) using the GUI (even if I could remember them



Thanks for your again detailed reply. this is making my head hurt, I am
impressed. Your brain must obviously work in a very abstract way I could not
work in that environment I need to see things graphically. I feel like I am
running to catch a bus and falling behind.

to recap my tables work like this: -


captures all demographic data for participants (firstname surname etc.)


Store information on the courses such as startdate, enddate, type of course


this is where partcipants get booked on to courses

Events Location

this stores individual dates of the courses e.g. day 1 day 2 etc, plus
location, themes etc.

From what you are saying I need to add Number of days field (1,3,5) and a
day field 1,2,3,4,5 etc and I can add this to the existing tbleventslocation,
will this column autocomplete from what would be your classes table or do I
type it each time. How do I then set up the validation rule. Sorry I had
difficulty following SQL

Thanks for explaining the sequence table, I presume I should add extra
numbers so that if I ever ran a 6 day course in two years time and wondered
why it didnt work.

How do I change the tables that I already have to replcate something similar
to your example. is it possible dont foget i am constrained by the GUI.

thankyou for your time and effort it is really appreciated,



Jamie Collins said:
To implement this in my database

your [Classes] table is where I presume I would put the number of days e.g.
1,3,5 and could call the table something like EventTypes which would be used
to limit the number of days in each course

The enrolment Table would be my already existing tbleventslocation which has

Surely you'd want to ensure the number of days for the course
corresponds to the course's dates in tbleventslocation? Therefore, you
may want to put the 'number of days' column (with an appropriate name)
in the same table. The reason for doing this is the same as repeating
the Classes.seating_capacity column in the enrolment table in my
example and that is because the two flavours of Access Validation Rule
(disregarding CHECK constraints) are column-level and row-level. In
other words, in order to ensure the seat number is not higher than the
maximum possible seat number using a row-level Validation Rule, every
row must contain the value for the maximum seat number.

Consider this example (I hope you can follow the logic of the SQL code,
if not the complete syntax):

CREATE TABLE Happenings (
happening_start_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening_start_date__first_time_granule
CHECK(HOUR(happening_start_date) = 0
AND MINUTE(happening_start_date) = 0
AND SECOND(happening_start_date) = 0),
happening_end_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening_end_date__last_time_granule
CHECK(HOUR(happening_end_date) = 23
AND MINUTE(happening_end_date) = 59
AND SECOND(happening_end_date) = 59),
CONSTRAINT happening___date_order
CHECK(happening_start_date < happening_end_date),
happening_duration_days INTEGER NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT happening___duration_days__dates__interaction
CHECK(happening_duration_days = DATEDIFF('d', happening_start_date,
DATEADD('s', 1, happening_end_date))),
UNIQUE (happening_duration_days, happening_ID)

Once again the CHECK constraints can all be replaced by Validation
Rules, notably the one that checks that the duration in days
corresponds to the start and end dates.

The temporal nature of the data can significantly increase the
complexity of the design. For example, to check there are no
overlapping periods for courses for the same location you almost
certainly wouldn't be able to use a Validation Rule :(
I dont know why you have the sequence table, would i need it, what does it do.

An auxiliary Sequence table of integers is a standard SQL trick and has
a number of uses e.g. see:

ASP FAQ: Why should I consider using an auxiliary numbers table?

In my example I am generating sequences of seat number between 1 and
the maximum possible seat number and a Sequence table is ideal for this
e.g. using the example, this:

SELECT C1.class_ID, C1.seating_capacity, S1.seq AS seat_number
FROM Classes AS C1, [Sequence] AS S1
WHERE S1.seq BETWEEN 1 AND C1.seating_capacity
ORDER BY C1.class_ID, S1.seq;

uses the Sequence table to generates all seat numbers for all courses
with exceeding the course maximum.
I have only ever used code in forms and cannot see how you implement this in
tables. I have looked at the individual tables and database and cannot find
any code in design view, i did find one validation rule.

what code do I need and where do I put it. I cannot see standalone code in
your post and would not know where to put in tables

You don't need code to reproduce my example.

There are more than one ways to skin a cat <g>. I prefer to create
tables, constraints, etc using SQL DDL code. Others prefer to use the
Access GUI tools which I personally find hard work: table design view
for tables, columns, Validation Rules, PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE (Index No
Duplicates), etc; Relationships window to drag-drop create FOREIGN KEY
(enforce integrity = yes); etc.

It is sure easier for me to produce VBA code that will create the DB
rather than describe the steps required ('open this, click here, answer
'No' when prompted," etc) using the GUI (even if I could remember them


I'm quite certain there is no one "correct" answer. I was seeing if Jamie
has a recommendation to use a "middle" layer for the business rules, to keep
them abstracted from both the back-end data and the front-end screens/forms.

It would be simpler to use form-level validation, since there are
user-interface tools that assist. That doesn't necessarily make it

One approach to limiting choices to 1, 3, or 5-day courses would be to not
use a text box (into which the user could enter anything). Instead, if
there will NEVER be more than 1, 3, or 5, an option group could work. If
there's ANY chance there could be others, a small table of valid values and
a combo box on the form could do the trick.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner
Jeff said:
It would be simpler to use form-level validation, since there are
user-interface tools that assist. That doesn't necessarily make it

Phil, I'd urge you to read this series of three short articles on this
very issue (I'm pretty sure I've previously referred Jeff here <g>):

Mop the Floor and Fix the Leak
by Joe Celko

"The poster was asked about some basic data integrity issue and in the
discussion he replied that all the validation would be done in the
front end application program, so we did not have to bother with
constraints on the [database] side. Golly gee whiz, do you suppose that
might be a bad idea? Let's just list some of the assumptions and
situations required for this approach to work..."


Jeff & Jamie

I would like to thank you both for your help. Looking at the question I
originally posted I asked about five questions in one. But your input has
helped me focus on one issue

I decided to use form level validation which is now working very well, I
decide on this mainly because of the user interface assistance which helped

Jamie, your solution was elegant and I have learnt so much and realised how
little I know and can understand.

I am now going to try and build a register which does not work like a

thanks again


Jamie Collins said:
Jeff said:
It would be simpler to use form-level validation, since there are
user-interface tools that assist. That doesn't necessarily make it

Phil, I'd urge you to read this series of three short articles on this
very issue (I'm pretty sure I've previously referred Jeff here <g>):

Mop the Floor and Fix the Leak
by Joe Celko

"The poster was asked about some basic data integrity issue and in the
discussion he replied that all the validation would be done in the
front end application program, so we did not have to bother with
constraints on the [database] side. Golly gee whiz, do you suppose that
might be a bad idea? Let's just list some of the assumptions and
situations required for this approach to work..."

Jeff said:
I see an advantage using a more multi-tier approach, in which the data is
just data, the user-interface is only that, and the business rules occupy a
middle-ground? What are your thoughts?

I think business rules would ideally be enforced throughout the

Take fpr example two related data elements:
employee_earnings_start_date and employee_earnings_end_date. That
start_date occurs before end_date is a 'law of nature' type business
rule. I would enforce this rule in front end form, in any function that
acts on both dates, in the data layer and in the database. If I had a
component with a public/top level function that took the two dates as
arguments, then I would raise an error if the end_date parameter value
was before the start_date parameter value. I view the database as
'public', reflecting the fact it can be accessed from a variety of
sources (e.g. Excel is a popular tool for accessing Access data),
subject to permissions.

Some business rules are too complex to be implemented as SQL
constraints e.g. SQL isn't very good at involved mathematical
calculations. Some business rules can be implemented as SQL constraints
but they are impractical e.g. a OLTP application with a high volume or
INSERT/UPDATE actions that cannot wait for constraints to be checked;
it is not possible to defer constraints in Jet, therefore constraints
get checked at the end of every SQL statement (and even earlier if more
than one table is involved!) and it is unworkable to temporarily DROP
constraints in a multi-user environment.

Something from the aforementioned article
( "There should
be one and only one trusted source for the business rules." I agree but
with the emphasis on the word 'trusted'. If this were taken literally
(i.e. a business rule should only be enforced in one place) it would be
contradicted by the later statement, "the overhead of going back and
forth between the application and the [trusted source] can kill a

I think the constraints should be as 'close' to the data as possible
i.e. a column (field) validation rule then a row (record) validation
rule then a table-level constraint. If these are is not possible or are
impractical, my next preference would be to write SQL procedures to
control edits to data while removing permissions from the base tables.

In SQL Server, I'd consider VIEWs using WITH CHECK OPTION or INSTEAD OF
triggers. For those things too complex for SQL there is the possibility
of using CLR to write database constraints...but that's another SQL
product. If data constraints cannot be enforced on the current SQL
platform, maybe its time for a new SQL platform?


Thanks, Jamie. I don't recall seeing this one before...


Jamie Collins said:
Jeff said:

It would be simpler to use form-level validation, since there are
user-interface tools that assist. That doesn't necessarily make it

Phil, I'd urge you to read this series of three short articles on this
very issue (I'm pretty sure I've previously referred Jeff here <g>):

Mop the Floor and Fix the Leak
by Joe Celko

"The poster was asked about some basic data integrity issue and in the
discussion he replied that all the validation would be done in the
front end application program, so we did not have to bother with
constraints on the [database] side. Golly gee whiz, do you suppose that
might be a bad idea? Let's just list some of the assumptions and
situations required for this approach to work..."

Thanks, Jamie.

What's bothering me is the possibility that business rules could be
scattered across any/all layers of the application. This seems to offer the
possibility that a new user (i.e., a new business use) could be
(involuntarily) forced to comply with rules of which s/he was completely

The notion of using a "business rules layer" would be to make all rules
explicitly available. If a new business use(r) didn't check in this, as
quoted below, "trusted" location, s/he only has him/herself to blame.

Interesting concepts and discussion!


Jamie Collins said:
Jeff said:
I see an advantage using a more multi-tier approach, in which the data is
just data, the user-interface is only that, and the business rules occupy a
middle-ground? What are your thoughts?

I think business rules would ideally be enforced throughout the

Take fpr example two related data elements:
employee_earnings_start_date and employee_earnings_end_date. That
start_date occurs before end_date is a 'law of nature' type business
rule. I would enforce this rule in front end form, in any function that
acts on both dates, in the data layer and in the database. If I had a
component with a public/top level function that took the two dates as
arguments, then I would raise an error if the end_date parameter value
was before the start_date parameter value. I view the database as
'public', reflecting the fact it can be accessed from a variety of
sources (e.g. Excel is a popular tool for accessing Access data),
subject to permissions.

Some business rules are too complex to be implemented as SQL
constraints e.g. SQL isn't very good at involved mathematical
calculations. Some business rules can be implemented as SQL constraints
but they are impractical e.g. a OLTP application with a high volume or
INSERT/UPDATE actions that cannot wait for constraints to be checked;
it is not possible to defer constraints in Jet, therefore constraints
get checked at the end of every SQL statement (and even earlier if more
than one table is involved!) and it is unworkable to temporarily DROP
constraints in a multi-user environment.

Something from the aforementioned article
( "There should
be one and only one trusted source for the business rules." I agree but
with the emphasis on the word 'trusted'. If this were taken literally
(i.e. a business rule should only be enforced in one place) it would be
contradicted by the later statement, "the overhead of going back and
forth between the application and the [trusted source] can kill a

I think the constraints should be as 'close' to the data as possible
i.e. a column (field) validation rule then a row (record) validation
rule then a table-level constraint. If these are is not possible or are
impractical, my next preference would be to write SQL procedures to
control edits to data while removing permissions from the base tables.

In SQL Server, I'd consider VIEWs using WITH CHECK OPTION or INSTEAD OF
triggers. For those things too complex for SQL there is the possibility
of using CLR to write database constraints...but that's another SQL
product. If data constraints cannot be enforced on the current SQL
platform, maybe its time for a new SQL platform?
