usbstor in win2000


Sean Liong


Multiple LUNs support is available only in sp3 in usbstor.sys. But I
like to have the similar feature without the sp3 and above. Although
this is nothing new as I have scanned through the newsgroup reading
similar problem raised but I have yet to find a viable solution.

So my questions,
1) I like to replace the older version of usbstor.sys for sp2 and
below with new usbstor.sys found in sp3. I thinking of disable the
windows file protection and replace the file, but this need to restart
the system and user might not like the idea without file protection.
How can I do so to maximize user friendly process?

2) Is there any hotfix that only update the usbstor.sys without
installing sp3 or is there any tricks that can update the newer file

I hope I can find a better solution beside writing a driver to replace
the older usbstor.sys just to have the features of supporting
mulitiple LUNs.

Thanks for any help!


Peter Wieland [MSFT]

On option #1 - you probably would need to obtain the rights to ship the sp3
binary in your installation. I suspect the EULA for service packs doesn't
give you free licence to pull the binaries out and use them elsewhere.

this isn't meant as any sort of microsoft threat - i'm just suggesting that
there are problems with option #1 beyond the already obvious ones.


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