I'm trying to get my Targus USB 2.0 hub to run at USB 2.0 speed.
Everything I've located on the internet indicates that Windows XP
service pack 2 should include the necessary files to install it at 2.0
speed. It always installs intself as "Generic Hub" instead of "Generic
Hub on a 2.0 bus" which is what it's supposed to do. I searched my hard
drive for the drivers but usbhub20.sys doesn't exist.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Everything I've located on the internet indicates that Windows XP
service pack 2 should include the necessary files to install it at 2.0
speed. It always installs intself as "Generic Hub" instead of "Generic
Hub on a 2.0 bus" which is what it's supposed to do. I searched my hard
drive for the drivers but usbhub20.sys doesn't exist.
Anyone have any suggestions?