USB, XP, and Microsoft

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lisa
  • Start date Start date


How come many people, especially me, are having the same
problems with going from one operating system to XP and
then not having any of the USB ports work? They worked
fine on the other operating systems. Microsoft hasn't
been able to help me. I am at a lost. I've tried
everything. Is it an XP problem or something else? All
the 'advice' hasn't worked for anybody...

So now what do we do? If there is someone with a solid
answer I'm sure all of us would appreciate it. Thank
First, there is no single answer to the problem as devices vary and systems

Second, the one common denominator that you site is people going from one
operating system to another. That's easy to answer, either the hardware is
not compatible with XP or they have not checked for updated drivers for the

Third, a lot of problems in moving from one operating system to another
would be resolved prior to any such move if users would simply do the
following before installation. At the desktop of the previous setup, place
the XP CD in the drive, when the setup screen appears, select "Check System
Compatibility." The report it generates might point to issues that may be
the cause of the problem. This is still something you can try right now at
the XP desktop as any incompatibilities should still be noted.

Since you don't specify devices or precisely what issue you are having its
difficult to respond more specifically.

I understand your frustration but you've given us nothing with which to
work, what was the previous operating system, what devices no longer work,
have you checked device manager to see if there are any red or yellow
warnings (Control Panel\System applet\Hardware tab\Device Manager), did you
run the compatibility wizard mentioned above prior to installing XP, did you
install XP clean or over your previous setup, how old is the computer, what
processor and speed, how much memory and type of memory, how large is the
hard drive and some insight into what you have tried as opposed to "I've
tried everything."