usb probs with XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Graeme Scott
  • Start date Start date

Graeme Scott

Hi all,
I have a new HP dc7900eC running XP Pro, all current service packs.

When I plug ANY USB memory stick into ANY USB port, it doesn't recognise it,
and when I click on My Computer, the system freezes.

The second I remove it, I get a flash view of the devices, including the
memory stick, then the system returns to normal.

I have removed the hard disk and fitted it to another PC of the same model
which works well. The problem returns, so the problem is in Windows, not the

I have performed a BIOS upgrade, and all Windows Service Packs.

Can anyone please suggest a solution?

Many thanks,
Graeme Scott
If it's new what does HP Support say?

Also if you take the Hard drive out and put it into another model
and it works. it's hardware on the New PC not the OS?
Or did you say it wrong?

If the Hard drive doesn't work (Same issue)
on another PC (If I got what you said wrong.)

Then What AV Are you running?
Does it block USB Devices?

And if this is NEW have you tried System Restore
or Recovery CD (Which I think HP makes you buy them now?)


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