Just when I think I have this prolems solved...days or
weeks later it comes back again.
When I play a sound file off the computer it occasionally
skips. Off the CD, the Win player is also interrupted.
The mouse jumps around the screen occasionally when i go
to select a file in Explorer. The sound and the mouse
have problems regardless of each other -- meaning if I am
not playing anything, i still have the moouse conflict.
I thought it might have to do with the USB connection or
motherboard but still not sure (I have a USB mouse).
- There are no conflicts showing in device manager
- I reinstalled my sound drivers
- installed mouse drive and program
I am not certain but it might even have to do with
Windows Updates....because somehow once i get it working
again, it only lasts a few weeks. Possibly some
configuration settings get overwritten? I
dunnno ...grasping here...lol
Win XP , lots of RAM , HD space, drivers updated..what
else is there to check?
weeks later it comes back again.

When I play a sound file off the computer it occasionally
skips. Off the CD, the Win player is also interrupted.
The mouse jumps around the screen occasionally when i go
to select a file in Explorer. The sound and the mouse
have problems regardless of each other -- meaning if I am
not playing anything, i still have the moouse conflict.
I thought it might have to do with the USB connection or
motherboard but still not sure (I have a USB mouse).
- There are no conflicts showing in device manager
- I reinstalled my sound drivers
- installed mouse drive and program
I am not certain but it might even have to do with
Windows Updates....because somehow once i get it working
again, it only lasts a few weeks. Possibly some
configuration settings get overwritten? I
dunnno ...grasping here...lol
Win XP , lots of RAM , HD space, drivers updated..what
else is there to check?