I just bought a new PC with USB 2.0 ports. My old PC had
USB 1.0. My camera and printer are both USB and worked
great on the old PC. I can't get either device to even be
detected on my new PC. I thought that the USB ports were
bad and the manufacturer replaced the entire PC - but I
am having the same problem on the new PC. Are there major
issues going from 1.0 to 2.0? I thought that 2.0 was
backwards complatible.
One other interesting note, when I plub my camera in, the
lights all turn on and blink - indicating something is
going on. However, I can't add the hardware because the
PC doesn't detect it. I have successfully installed the
drivers for both my camera and printer - with no luck.
Thanks in advance for your help - any suggestions are
USB 1.0. My camera and printer are both USB and worked
great on the old PC. I can't get either device to even be
detected on my new PC. I thought that the USB ports were
bad and the manufacturer replaced the entire PC - but I
am having the same problem on the new PC. Are there major
issues going from 1.0 to 2.0? I thought that 2.0 was
backwards complatible.
One other interesting note, when I plub my camera in, the
lights all turn on and blink - indicating something is
going on. However, I can't add the hardware because the
PC doesn't detect it. I have successfully installed the
drivers for both my camera and printer - with no luck.
Thanks in advance for your help - any suggestions are