Today out of the blue suddenly all the files on my flash drive is
suddenly gone. I was working on a windows xp machine, and the usb had
a FAT partition. Although none of the data is visible, the drive still
shows that 920 mb of 1 gb is full, which was the same the last time I
accessed the file. I had earlier had this experience in this same usb,
when suddenly a few files had vanished, but the disk still showed that
they were indeed there even when I manually deleted the rest of the
files. However since it was only a few files, I hadnt given much heed
to it. Now everything is gone. If anybody of you have ever experience
such an event please do suggest some alternatives.
Today out of the blue suddenly all the files on my flash drive is
suddenly gone. I was working on a windows xp machine, and the usb had
a FAT partition. Although none of the data is visible, the drive still
shows that 920 mb of 1 gb is full, which was the same the last time I
accessed the file. I had earlier had this experience in this same usb,
when suddenly a few files had vanished, but the disk still showed that
they were indeed there even when I manually deleted the rest of the
files. However since it was only a few files, I hadnt given much heed
to it. Now everything is gone. If anybody of you have ever experience
such an event please do suggest some alternatives.