I use a 7 port hub for USB connections. The hub has it's own power supply.
For some strange reason lately when I turn the computer off the power to the
hub turns off but the lights for the USB connections remain on.Tried
unplugging the main connection to the computer and the lights remain on. I
also use power strip that controls power to individual components, this will
turn of the lights on the hub.The strip is used as a power source, each
individual component is turned and off at the part it is not turned on or
off by the power strip. What would cause the hub lights to remain on after
the computer is turned off.
Thank You.
For some strange reason lately when I turn the computer off the power to the
hub turns off but the lights for the USB connections remain on.Tried
unplugging the main connection to the computer and the lights remain on. I
also use power strip that controls power to individual components, this will
turn of the lights on the hub.The strip is used as a power source, each
individual component is turned and off at the part it is not turned on or
off by the power strip. What would cause the hub lights to remain on after
the computer is turned off.
Thank You.