I've recently had a broadband connection fitted into my
house with telewest. The modem they gave me was a USB
connection. Problem is that when i connect the new modem
to the usb port, the system either freezes or the modem
does. I have all the relevent and up to date drivers for
the usb modem, plus it has its own power supply from the
mains. I'm running XP Home Ed. on a PIII 450Hz 128RAM,
with a VIA USB set on my motherboard. Please can anyone
I've recently had a broadband connection fitted into my
house with telewest. The modem they gave me was a USB
connection. Problem is that when i connect the new modem
to the usb port, the system either freezes or the modem
does. I have all the relevent and up to date drivers for
the usb modem, plus it has its own power supply from the
mains. I'm running XP Home Ed. on a PIII 450Hz 128RAM,
with a VIA USB set on my motherboard. Please can anyone