"RP" said:
I replaced a mother board in an emachine with a Tyan one. The USP header is
10 pin. The connector from the front usb ports of the emachine is 9 pin ie
10 with one blocked out. Can I drill out the blocked hole and connect it?
What is the "Tyan one" ? Does it have a model number ?
There are small differences in the definitions of the pinouts,
and some of those differences are important. For example, some
cheap motherboards have a signal labelled "OC#" which stands for
"Over Current, Active Low". If you plug a cable assembly into
a header like that, and the cable assembly happens to ground
that pin, that causes the USB port to be turned off (kinda
defeats the purpose

). So if you care to tell us the model
number, or even copy the signal list into a posting, that will
make it easier to figure out if there is a problem.
The keying feature is a good thing, as it reduces the odds
that the user will install the cable rotated 180 degrees. If
you drill out the 10th pin, it means having to check each
time it is reinstalled, to make sure you are doing it right.
The wires that fit into the 2x5 nylon shell, can be moved to
another shell. For example, the CPX075-4 here, is a 2x5 nylon
shell, where each hole has a plastic tab you can move with the
tip of an Exacto knife, to allow the pin+wire to be removed. You
can move the wires from one nylon shell to another.
http://www.frontx.com/order_c.html (look for CPX075-4)
http://www.frontx.com/head_con.html (bottom of page, how to remove)
Of course that isn't necessary, and would only be worth while
if you were ordering a bunch of other stuff from Frontx. You
can drill out the existing nylon shell, if you are careful.
It is also possible, that the plastic block placed in the
shell, is removable. You should be able to tell whether it
is molded that way, or a separate piece of nylon has been
jammed into the 10th hole, just by looking at it.