USB Headaches (long)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Draffen
  • Start date Start date

Tom Draffen

Here's hoping someone can tell me where me and my computer had our
falling out on our USB issue.

I have a Soyo SY-7VCA2 MB with 2 on-board USB ports, and an add-on
XXXXX PCI USB 2.0 card with 2 USB ports. XP simply refuses to make
these work.

My system -

XP Professional, SP 1 and all recommended updates.
Soyo SY-7VCA2 MB, 700 Mhz Celeron, VIA 694X Chipset
PCI Card is an ALi chipset an an IOGear card - ALI Chipset 34

Per the SOYO web site, I've updated my BIOS. I've fixed up my BIOS
settings to free up IRQs to make sure I don't run into any conflicts.
I've disabled my serial ports and parallel port, since I won't be
needing those.

I've done a fresh install, for about the thirtieth time on a freshly
formatted drive. I've read every knowledge base question and applied
every fix known to man to include the following:

Allow full permissions on the registry settings under as necessary:

I added the value DisableSelectiveSuspend to the

I've done all this prior to installing the PCI card to get the
on-board ports to work.

When I boot the computer with no USB devices connected and no serial
bus controllers installed, it recognizes my USB as a Via rev 5 or
greater, attempts to install, and then hits the "data invalid" error.
(this my change to the registry settings listed above). It does the
exact same thing with my PCI card - for which I then installed the
drivers from the IOGear web site for my card which are basically the
2.0 drivers from MS pieced out and available on the manufacturer's web

Some would say... sounds like the cards are hosed. But this exact
same MB and setup works fine and dandy running a Linux Mandrake
system. This is XP specific and it's really pissing me off now. I've
done it all. Somewhere, something is still not right. In the meantime,
I have four Universal Serial Bus Controllers listed with a nice yellow
! next to them all telling me the drivers for that device are not
installed. I've done safe mode removals and reinstalls, I've done it
all. But my data is invalid it says. I don't buy it. XP is smoking
crack and MS is the supplier. Someone help?

Firstly i would try the pci card in a different pc ( with a different
chipset if possible ) and see if it works in that pc. Failing that try
the card in a different pci slot.

I have heard reprts that VIA chipsets dont like USB2 but i dont know
how true this is.


I've installed Win2000 on the system listed below. USB devices were
all found without fail, and no issues to note. This is an XP issue,
which doesn't surprise me - since it generally thinks it knows best.

Make sure that when you do the first registry hack that you give "System"
full privledges, not administrator or yourself.

Good Luck,
Finally, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth - I found the USB
problem. USB needs the file USBUI.DLL in order to function. Mine
existed, but was incorrect. How did I know this? No impact no idea -
but I found a good version of it out there on the web after stumbling
on it. I dloaded and installed USBUI.DLL into the %windows%\system32
directory, and voila - I have USB ports. End state - if your USB ain't
working, might want to find the USB specific DLLs and replace them
individually - might find one that doesn't want to function.

Does anyone have the full list of USB generic DLLs that Windoes
requires? Mine works now, but never can tell for the next time.