I have been using a USB flash drive in working between two machines, one
running on XP and the other running on 2000. I have had several instances of
directories being created that are "00000000.00". when I try to delete them,
I am told they are corrupt. They have usually been created as sub
directories and have replaced the data that was originally in the directory.
One of my co-workers thought it may have to do with deleting files and not
emptying my recycling. Does anyone know anything?
running on XP and the other running on 2000. I have had several instances of
directories being created that are "00000000.00". when I try to delete them,
I am told they are corrupt. They have usually been created as sub
directories and have replaced the data that was originally in the directory.
One of my co-workers thought it may have to do with deleting files and not
emptying my recycling. Does anyone know anything?