Since some times now, every time I'm plugging my USB flash disk into my
computer it does not get a drive letter assigned automatically.
I have also just bought a Sony Walkman and it is not automatically
assigned a drive letter either.
If I use the walkaround via the disk management tool, I can assign a
drive letter and the it works ... until I unplug the device !
Is there a way to get back to the automatic drive letter assignment ?
;-) Feyroce.
computer it does not get a drive letter assigned automatically.
I have also just bought a Sony Walkman and it is not automatically
assigned a drive letter either.
If I use the walkaround via the disk management tool, I can assign a
drive letter and the it works ... until I unplug the device !
Is there a way to get back to the automatic drive letter assignment ?
;-) Feyroce.