Bob Kulp
I have a Western Digital 100GB external hard drive that I use for backup.
The drive has two partitions of 20GB and 80GB. When I try to defrag the
drive, it runs for a couple of seconds and then terminates with the
following message:
Defragmentation is complete for: Backup (I
Some files on this volume could not be defragmented.
Please check the defragmentation report for the list of these files.
The report is:
Volume Backup (I
Volume size = 92.25 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 49.17 GB
Free space = 43.08 GB
Percent free space = 46 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 49 %
File fragmentation = 99 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 63
Average file size = 1.09 GB
Total fragmented files = 2
Total excess fragments = 12
Average fragments per file = 1.19
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 0 bytes
Total fragments = 0
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 11
Fragmented folders = 1
Excess folder fragments = 0
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 144 KB
MFT record count = 91
Percent MFT in use = 63 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Files that cannot be defragmented
4 48.85 GB \Backup of 2-25-2006 at 6.27 PM.nb7
Is anything wrong or am I worrying for naught.
The drive has two partitions of 20GB and 80GB. When I try to defrag the
drive, it runs for a couple of seconds and then terminates with the
following message:
Defragmentation is complete for: Backup (I

Some files on this volume could not be defragmented.
Please check the defragmentation report for the list of these files.
The report is:
Volume Backup (I

Volume size = 92.25 GB
Cluster size = 4 KB
Used space = 49.17 GB
Free space = 43.08 GB
Percent free space = 46 %
Volume fragmentation
Total fragmentation = 49 %
File fragmentation = 99 %
Free space fragmentation = 0 %
File fragmentation
Total files = 63
Average file size = 1.09 GB
Total fragmented files = 2
Total excess fragments = 12
Average fragments per file = 1.19
Pagefile fragmentation
Pagefile size = 0 bytes
Total fragments = 0
Folder fragmentation
Total folders = 11
Fragmented folders = 1
Excess folder fragments = 0
Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation
Total MFT size = 144 KB
MFT record count = 91
Percent MFT in use = 63 %
Total MFT fragments = 2
Fragments File Size Files that cannot be defragmented
4 48.85 GB \Backup of 2-25-2006 at 6.27 PM.nb7
Is anything wrong or am I worrying for naught.