I picked up one of those USB enxlosures for 3.5-inch hard drives so
that I could recover the image and music files from my daughter's
computer that had totally crashed so they could be transferred to the
new system.
That hard drive was an IBM/Fujitsu 14GB drive that worked perfectly.
I also had picked up a Western Digital WD800 80GB drive from the local
Factory Direct off-loader.
This drive definitely was not giving a response and the USB was not
showing up on the drive list so doing formats was not possible.
Quick questions:
should I run fdisk on the WD drive? (I'd obtained a 2.5-inch drive
for another computer from the same source and there were no problems
using that one (of course, first thing done was to boot from the
vendor CD and restore the OS, which did a partition and format....)
Is there such a thing as a drive cable with four drive plugs or is a 2-
drive cable the only one? If so, then I'm going to ahve to swap the
connector for the CD/DVD drive and use that one on the HD.
What cable setting should I use with the USB enclosure or is master by
itself OK?
Yes, pretty well a total newbie on hardware installation and set up if
it doesn't work right out of the box.
Go ahead and laugh, my family does it to me all the time.
that I could recover the image and music files from my daughter's
computer that had totally crashed so they could be transferred to the
new system.
That hard drive was an IBM/Fujitsu 14GB drive that worked perfectly.
I also had picked up a Western Digital WD800 80GB drive from the local
Factory Direct off-loader.
This drive definitely was not giving a response and the USB was not
showing up on the drive list so doing formats was not possible.
Quick questions:
should I run fdisk on the WD drive? (I'd obtained a 2.5-inch drive
for another computer from the same source and there were no problems
using that one (of course, first thing done was to boot from the
vendor CD and restore the OS, which did a partition and format....)
Is there such a thing as a drive cable with four drive plugs or is a 2-
drive cable the only one? If so, then I'm going to ahve to swap the
connector for the CD/DVD drive and use that one on the HD.
What cable setting should I use with the USB enclosure or is master by
itself OK?
Yes, pretty well a total newbie on hardware installation and set up if
it doesn't work right out of the box.
Go ahead and laugh, my family does it to me all the time.