Thanks for the quick reply.
It shows up as E, I changed to R but access is still denied, so I
changed back to E. Is there anyway to bring back or reinstate the
share? There is no share tab now.
Hi - please don't snip out all quoted text in your replies; it makes it
difficult for other people (and me, unless I've had enough coffee) to follow
the thread.
The hidden admin share (E$, R$, whatever) doesn't have anything to do with
your device's ability to show up in Windows - and you didn't mention
anything about 'access denied'.
Does the device show up in Explorer?
Are you trying to access this device from across a network? If so, set up a
share - not the admin share, either, but a new share, not hidden, like
"USBDRIVE" or something, and set the security in the share & NTFS properties
as you choose.