Just received a USB drive today from ebay 8 gig drive.
Upon putting it into my computer it comes up as unformatted. So press
format and errors at the end (unable to complete format).
Then tried to format the drive via computer management in admin tools.
All goes OK - 8 Gig showing. Copied 6.5 Gig onto it to test, and only
some of the files work.
About 2 Gig of AVI work but the others open as corrupted - same
problem on my PS3.
Any ideas? Thinking its either faulty or got a feeling its a fake 2
If its fake can you somehow restore the orginal boot / bios to get it
back (better than nothing i suppose).
Eneco flash drive 2.10 16777216 lba
Best regards
Just received a USB drive today from ebay 8 gig drive.
Upon putting it into my computer it comes up as unformatted. So press
format and errors at the end (unable to complete format).
Then tried to format the drive via computer management in admin tools.
All goes OK - 8 Gig showing. Copied 6.5 Gig onto it to test, and only
some of the files work.
About 2 Gig of AVI work but the others open as corrupted - same
problem on my PS3.
Any ideas? Thinking its either faulty or got a feeling its a fake 2
If its fake can you somehow restore the orginal boot / bios to get it
back (better than nothing i suppose).
Eneco flash drive 2.10 16777216 lba
Best regards