Windows 7 USB device not recognised

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Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
As the title saysI am getting an error message showing USB device not recognised as in the image below.All I have connected is a cheapo USB keyboard and USB mouse. Both are working perfectly so I am a bit bemused.

OS is Windows 7 Ultimate


These "devices" are typically called HID - compliant (human interface device) and as such, in my experience, have some sort of drivers.

There are limitations to the HID protocol, but most operating systems will recognize standard USB HID devices, such as keyboards and mice, without needing a specialized driver. When installed, a message saying that "A "HID-compliant device" has been recognized," generally appears on screen.

We are, however, talking about a Computer here, so, I would be looking for the site that may have the "drivers" you may need.

Try Windows update. :)

My greatest luck when there's a USB hub or other not recognized is a chipset driver. Good luck though! It's always a crapshoot with that crafty device manager. He's usually the end guy when trying to set up a computer perfectly.
Prolem solved, sort of. Took out el cheapo Dynamode USB card and the error went away after reboot. Shall put card back in later and see what's what :D
don't put it back,

No can do, its already back in my PC

have faith in your movements,

I have great trust in my movements thanks to All Bran Flakes

chuck the rubbish,

It may have been an el-cheapo, but did what it said on the tin, so to me wasn't rubbish.

history it into the great box of non use to me!

See first answer

Welcome to the forum :cheers:
the usb connector itself was mulfunctioned.. maybe some wires were damaged, that causes the computer to not recognized' the device. try to connect the usb to another pc so u can diagnose the problem
Problem solved, sort of.

the usb connector itself was mulfunctioned.. maybe some wires were damaged, that causes the computer to not recognized' the device. try to connect the usb to another pc so u can diagnose the problem

As my previous post has stated, problem solved. The card was neither faulty nor damaged. I was down to user error. I had not seated the card properly :thumb:
Can mods close thread please as the issue at hand has now been fully sorted. Thank you :D
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