USB Cooker

Neat idea but whatever he's cooking it looks disgusting..I wouldn't eat it..

Just imagine telling your mates your pc cooked you rice and pork last night..They would never believe you..:lol:
was it Chris Postil who had the usb kettle ? Nice experience ...not
lol ..yeh ..remember now..cheers Chris (Postill..not Postil) :)
That looked revolting!!

Wonder what the strangest thing you could power by use would be. :-)
When are people going to realise that, yes... PC's can provide electricity to power things, via USB ports?

I agree - that food looked rank! :lol:
On a well known pc mag forum this same article has twice been deleted by the forum editor.
My question is, why, OK, it is dangerous and should not be tried at home!
But it is funny that someone has actually gone to all the trouble to try this out!