USB Card Reader Says Write Protected



Guys I have a Secure Digital CR-T2-UD Card Reader Writer.

I have had it for 12 months never a problem.

Today I have inserted my SD Card to transfer pics.

I get an error message

Cannot Delete XXXX file: The disk is write-protected. Remove the
write-protection or use another disk.

The thing is the SD Card protection is not on

The card reader doesn't have protection on it.

I have removed and reinstalled the device to eliminate any driver conflict.

I inserted my MMC card and I get the same error.

I have checked the site (
but no help.

I even attempted to format the card readers/ SDCard using windows but I get
the error/

Cannot format disk. Disk is write protected.

Any suggestions?

I haven't had this problem before with the card reader?




I meant to add that the error occurs when i try to read, write to and delete
files from the card ?



A bit of google research came up with the solution for all those having a
problem similar.


With the name WriteProtect
Type: DWord-value
value 0 = write protection deactivated
value 1 = write protection activated

Basically changed the value from 1 to 0 and presto. It works.

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