¿ Usable Width of a Panel, i.e. Panel.Width - VerticalScrollBar.Width ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter eBob.com
  • Start date Start date


How do you determine the usable width of a Panel? For example, if you want
to add a TextBox to the Panel and make it as wide as possible but not so
wide that it overlaps with the vertical scroll bar.

In other words, how do you determine the width of the vertical scroll bar?

Thanks, Bob
eBob.com said:
How do you determine the usable width of a Panel? For example, if
you want to add a TextBox to the Panel and make it as wide as
possible but not so wide that it overlaps with the vertical scroll

In other words, how do you determine the width of the vertical scroll

See it's ClientSize/ClientRectangle properties.

How do you determine the usable width of a Panel? For example, if you want
to add a TextBox to the Panel and make it as wide as possible but not so
wide that it overlaps with the vertical scroll bar.

In other words, how do you determine the width of the vertical scroll bar?

Thanks, Bob

I would think the ClientRectangle property would do that.