URLs blocked? Outlook 2003?



How do I get Outlook to stop blocking attachments that it thinks are unsafe.

I *NEED* these URLS and can't get them sent to me again. How do I access
these attachements?

Roady [MVP]

Haha, thank you (I wrote it). But it is indeed targeted to the "ignorant"
user as well. I've met quite a lot of them (our company often gets the
latest virusses as one of the first); people just continue to click and it
got confirmed again with MyDoom; this file is in a zip-file so there is no
automatic execution meaning people must open the mail, open the zip and open
the file to get infected and see the spread of the virus... makes you wonder
why Microsoft even bothers to patch things sometimes and when Microsoft
makes sure all code is blocked people want to unblock it. Again; makes you
Roady [MVP]
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Change reg entries?
Why not make it an option in Outlook?
Ups, MS propellerheads, that's why.

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