urls and connect to internet questions



1. for some reason, my urls from programs (ex: start -> all programs -> AIM
(i am using AIM as an ex.) -> visit AIM.com (url file)) doesn't seem to open
the internet. And also there is no icon for the url file, is there a way to
fix the url files so i can just click the file and go to the website?

2. also, for programs that need to connect to the internet (i mean when i
click "online help" on some programs) it doesn't open me to the online help

can you help me, thank you


Replied to [fme008]s message :
1. for some reason, my urls from programs (ex: start -> all programs -> AIM
(i am using AIM as an ex.) -> visit AIM.com (url file)) doesn't seem to open
the internet. And also there is no icon for the url file, is there a way to
fix the url files so i can just click the file and go to the website?


Run the URL Fix

Good Luck, Ayush.

fme008 via WindowsKB.com

how do oyu do this operation? do you just click the file ?
Replied to [fme008]s message :
1. for some reason, my urls from programs (ex: start -> all programs -> AIM
(i am using AIM as an ex.) -> visit AIM.com (url file)) doesn't seem to open
the internet. And also there is no icon for the url file, is there a way to
fix the url files so i can just click the file and go to the website?


Run the URL Fix

Good Luck, Ayush.


Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
how do oyu do this operation? do you just click the file ?

here are simple instructions :
1) Click on the following link and choose "Open"
2) Extract the .reg file to desktop
3) Right click the extracted reg file and choose Merge
4) A dialog box will appear asking you :
"Are you sure you want to add the information in nameofregfile.reg to the
5) Click Yes.

Good Luck, Ayush.

fme008 via WindowsKB.com

when I click merge, all it did was open notepad, it didn't say "Are you sure
you want to add the information in nameofregfile.reg to the registry?"
Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
how do oyu do this operation? do you just click the file ?

here are simple instructions :
1) Click on the following link and choose "Open"
2) Extract the .reg file to desktop
3) Right click the extracted reg file and choose Merge
4) A dialog box will appear asking you :
"Are you sure you want to add the information in nameofregfile.reg to the
5) Click Yes.

Good Luck, Ayush.


Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
when I click merge, all it did was open notepad, it didn't say "Are you sure
you want to add the information in nameofregfile.reg to the registry?"

There is a problem with your reg file association too.. first, fix it :
1) Download this file :
2) Extract it to
3) Click Start | Run and type: CMD
4) In the command prompt window, type :
reg import "Path To Reg File"

note: replace Path To Reg File with the path to the extracted .reg file
5) It should say the operation completed successfully.
6) now merge the URL Fix (by right clicking > merge_

fme008 via WindowsKB.com

when i typed it, it said "Error: too many command-line parameters"
Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
when I click merge, all it did was open notepad, it didn't say "Are you sure
you want to add the information in nameofregfile.reg to the registry?"

There is a problem with your reg file association too.. first, fix it :
1) Download this file :
2) Extract it to
3) Click Start | Run and type: CMD
4) In the command prompt window, type :
reg import "Path To Reg File"

note: replace Path To Reg File with the path to the extracted .reg file
5) It should say the operation completed successfully.
6) now merge the URL Fix (by right clicking > merge_


Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
when i typed it, it said "Error: too many command-line parameters"

Try again and dont remove the quotes around the path.

Good Luck, Ayush.

fme008 via WindowsKB.com

now it says error: invalid file format
Replied to [fme008 via WindowsKB.com]s message :
when i typed it, it said "Error: too many command-line parameters"

Try again and dont remove the quotes around the path.

Good Luck, Ayush.

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