URL Aliases?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brett Baisley
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Brett Baisley


At work, when we use IE (or any other browser for that matter) I can simply
enter in "/s" into the address bar and it will load up google, or "/w" and
it will load up a long URL to a web site we are working on.

I think its a file on the local drives with these entries in them, but it
very well could be a server config. If it is a local file, can someone tell
me how to go about setting one up for home?

Brett Baisley said:

At work, when we use IE (or any other browser for that matter) I can simply
enter in "/s" into the address bar and it will load up google, or "/w" and
it will load up a long URL to a web site we are working on.

Quick Search.exe enables that.
It's a program that comes in a package called
IE5 Web Accessories.

The web site won't acknowledge that it still works on IE6
but it mostly does and in any case there are mods available
which will make all of its features work on IE6.
(BTW Quick Search .exe works fine as is.)

Search for posts by Jim Byrd which refer to graburl.htm
to find more information about the mods, including a link
to the download page.

The feature is implemented in the registry by subkeys of SearchURL
If you see it there you can see that it is almost as easy to add new
shortcuts using RegEdit.

However, the two examples you gave have just as convenient
workarounds available in IE6 without having to resort to SearchURL
shortcuts. E.g. if Google is your AutoSearch "provider" you can
simply enter ? or find or go plus a space plus all the search criteria
you want to pass to Google. Further, provided you create Favorites
for sites you visit often (and if necessary rename them to give them an
uncommonly used prefix) you can enter sites which don't need arguments
by simply typing a few characters and perhaps using the CursorDown key
(i.e., taking advantage of AutoComplete for Web Addresses), since
that feature adds all Favorites to its AutoSuggest list.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle