I have a very strange problem on my login Page. the Page was working fine a
few days back, but now does not generate post back events for controls.
Ya i was able to discover one thing, it is becoz of validators, any
on a page is creating the problems. Even if they should not get fired.
no message just gets blocked,
Whenever the button is clicked, no event is raised, infact it doesnt even go
to the page_load as well. Events are registered and there is no problem with
the code because the same code is working fine on Windows XP machine. The
machine which is giving problem is Windows 2000 Advanced server.
I have a very strange problem on my login Page. the Page was working fine a
few days back, but now does not generate post back events for controls.
Ya i was able to discover one thing, it is becoz of validators, any
on a page is creating the problems. Even if they should not get fired.
no message just gets blocked,
Whenever the button is clicked, no event is raised, infact it doesnt even go
to the page_load as well. Events are registered and there is no problem with
the code because the same code is working fine on Windows XP machine. The
machine which is giving problem is Windows 2000 Advanced server.