Urgent No Data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sundeep
  • Start date Start date


Dear all, i am using the following code to get data from
Oracle. Sometime it returns 0 record but if i reduce the
number of columns or reduce the size of columns in query,
i get all the records. ANy Pointers?

DataSet dsTmp = new DataSet();
OracleDataAdapter daOracle = new OracleDataAdapter();
string strOracle = OracleSqlManager.GetParsedSql
(SqlNumber, hsTmp);
OracleCommand cmdSelect = new OracleCommand(strOracle);
cmdSelect.Connection = this.OraCon;
daOracle.SelectCommand = cmdSelect;
return dsTmp;
Is the ONLY difference in getting records and not getting records the number
of columns? No where clause or test database vs. production?

If so, how many columns are you asking for?